My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3089: The world is looking for Hum sleep (18)

"The meaning is obvious, that is... I can't let go of you now..."

"You... how can you go back?" Jack was angry.

"I am going back to the wrong? NO, I didn't even promise to save you... so I don't know how to make it." Huo Mian calmly answered.

"You stupid goods... actually give up the only chance to escape from the desert island." Jack bit his teeth, coldly sweeping over Huo Mian's face.

This is indeed the reaction that Huo Siqian never had to her...

"Don't say that... I just didn't stupid, so I saw the situation. I really hate that Horsham is right... but Jack... you make me creepy."

Yes, Huo Mian has an answer in his heart, preferring to give up this opportunity to flee, and will never believe Jack’s words.

Before I handed over, this man is simply a madman...

In contrast, Horsham is annoying, but at least guarantees her safety.

"Oh... then you are old on the desert island..." Jack sneered.

"I'm actually very curious, since you share it with Huo Siqian's memory... then you should know where the key is?" asked Huo Mian's temptation.

"Do you want to cover me?"

"Of course not. If you let me save you, don't you tell me the location of the key?" Huo Mian laughed.

"Why do you want to believe in this woman, since you are not going to let me go? I will tell you where the key is?" Jack seems to have been angered by Huo Mian.

"Well, if this is the case, then the negotiations are over, you are staying."

After that, Huo Mian turned and went...

"Huo Mian, I am dead... It is not good for you. I am dead when I die." Jack said anxiously.

Huo Mian turned back and continued to chuckle. "That's good, it's not two things, either you or Huo Siqian, it's my deadly enemy."

"But if we are dead, I will wait for a while and his men will deliver the supplies. I will find that the boss has an accident, and I will send you to Huang Quan to accompany me at that time." Jack smiled insidiously.

"I will still be afraid of death?" Huo Mian felt that Jack's words were ridiculous.

"You are naturally not afraid... But isn't there another one in your stomach? You really want to... your child, have you been dragged to death when you haven't come to the world?"

Huo Mian heard that his face changed slightly...

It seems that the memory of Huo Siqian and Jack is indeed shared.

Even though she was pregnant, Jack actually knew.

"It seems that the people at the disadvantage are you... or manage yourself?"

After talking about Huo Mian turned and left... the head does not return.

"Come back... you are a sly woman..." Jack groaned, but Huo Mian never looked back.

Want to starve this guy in the basement?

No, Huo Mian will not do that. He will give him food on time every day and let him live.

At least Huo Siqian can't die now, and Huo Jin really doesn't want to be buried with him here...

When Huo Mian climbed out of the basement, she breathed fresh air outside. Suddenly, it was good to live.

After calming down, she thought of something that was actually very important.

Jack was locked in the basement by the chain. It must have been done by Huo Siqian.

But why does Horsham want to do this?

With Huo Mian's understanding of him, he should know that he is going to get sick, afraid that he can't control the second personality, so he locked himself in advance.

In this case, the key must not be in the basement again, just to prevent Jack from fleeing.

Huo Mian knows a little clearly.

Huo Siqian is bad again, will not hurt her, but Jack is not the same, Jack may kill her anytime, anywhere, and no mercy.

Thinking of this, Huo Mian quickly stepped back to the cabin and began to turn over the things left by Huo Siqian.

Suddenly an old mobile phone slipped out of a clothes pocket of Huo Siqian...

Huo Mian and the discovery of the New World can not suppress the inner surprise...

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