My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3090: The world is looking for Hum sleep (19)

She always thought that Horshim did not bring any electronic equipment because she was afraid of being positioned.

And for a long time, I didn't see Huo Siqian making a phone call and used a mobile phone.

Unexpectedly, there is actually one, although it is an old-fashioned mobile phone, not smart, but it is good to be able to contact the only communication equipment from the outside world.

Huo Mian took the mobile phone and started it smoothly... I thought that the first call would be called to Qin Chu, and he must be excited.

But I did not expect that after booting, Huo Mian was dumbfounded...

A password is required and is six digits.

Huo Mian is smart, and only in medicine. There is no such thing as high-tech, hacking like Lu Yan.

After calming down, she tried to recall the birthday of Huo Siqian, not right.

Then she enters her birthday again, or is it wrong.

Later, it was Huo Zhenhai’s birthday. Even Yan Ruoxi’s birthday, she recalled it. She had seen it on Weibo before. It seems to be October 1st, but it is not right.

Finally, she desperately used a simple number like 123456.654321, but still not right.

In the end, Huo Mian despair...

Put your phone quietly aside.

At this time, one thing caught her attention.

Just on the table where she was eating, next to the cup, it was a small key.

Although small, but the process is complicated...

When did this key appear here?

Is it that Horshim deliberately left behind? This is the key on the chain that locks Jack?

Although the phone was found, the password could not be opened, and it could not be used, but she could find the key, and she was more at ease.

At least know that the key is not in the basement, Jack can't get it, so she doesn't have to worry about being hurt.

It’s getting late...

The weather on the island is moody, just like the character of a child, sometimes blue sky and white clouds, sometimes raging.

I didn’t know what happened this night, and suddenly it was a storm.

The sea is not romantic at night, but is calling like a beast, roaring...

Huo Mian sat alone in the cabin, unable to sleep, she clutched the quilt tightly and felt fear.

In this uninhabited island, only she and Huo Siqian are two people, usually okay, not so scared.

But now that Horsham has disappeared, the man in the basement is the second person of the heartbreaker.

At this time, Huo Mian always felt that he was in danger and was particularly afraid...

She misses Qin Chu very much and wants to plunge into his warm embrace.

I really want him to say to himself, wife, don't be afraid, everything has me...

But the reality is still so cruel...

She never thought about it. One day, she could live a life of fear with a metamorphosis with a double personality. There is absolutely no such thing.

Nanshan Castle

Qin Chu left the hospital after staying in the military hospital for the last night.

In order to celebrate his healthy discharge, everyone plans to come to the house to have a meal.

Qin Jia Er Lao’s early Zhang Luo meals...

After the accident at home during this time, except for Li Shu, who was picked up, the nannies were all dismissed by Qin Chu.

Of course, it was because of the fact that it was mixed with the eyeliner inserted by Horsham, so it was all dismissed.

Qin Jia Er Lao and Li Shu went to buy food early and came back to prepare.

Qin Chu took the children to water the flowers in the garden of the yard...

Then the friends arrived in succession, except that they did not come with Chen Jie who returned to her family, and all others arrived.

Jiang Xiaowei Wei Liao, Gao Ran you Zhu Lingling, Tang Chuan Qin Ning, Rick and Xixi, and Su Yu.

Su Yu first arrived, still driving a black Rambo, the trunk pulled a lot of delicious.

"Wow... Su Shuai, I love you very much...." When Doudou saw it, he eagerly rushed to hold Su Yu.

"Do you love me, or love these delicious?" Su Yu asked.

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