My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3202: Do you have the ability to beat me? (One)

"Little aunt, it is no longer news, the earth people ... all know." Pudding looked helplessly at the aunt.

"Amount... well, I thought you didn't know."

"The news is so big, who can not know?" The pudding was speechless.

"Hah, just Tang Xiaochuan called me, and I was surprised. I said that I would go to the Star Emperor to torture Su Yu and see what happened."

"Tang Chuan is too owed, it is a private matter, ask what to ask, Su Yu that temper, if there is a spectrum, then definitely tell us." Huo Mian laughed.

"I am also curious, in the end, what women can make Su Yu so valued, no, my go to her microblogging to see."

Said Qin Ning also landed on Weibo.

This will, Zeng Rou has already increased by more than 100,000.

In that comment, there were as many as 60,000 messages in an instant, and the popularity was comparable to the popular actress.

It seems that Su Yu is still very influential and topical in this city.

At this moment, Zeng Roo was sitting in a coffee shop. On a hot summer day, she leisurely drank the ice mocha.

Then holding a notebook, while watching the popcorn movie, while tweeting with the netizens on Weibo.

Su Yu's true love powder can't stand it, so brush the message below.

"This woman is a Bichi, the identification is complete."

Zeng Rou replied: If I am Bichi, then your whole family is Bichi.

"What is the situation, why did Su like this unfamiliar net red? Heaven, earth, my mother, who can tell me why?

Zeng Rou replied: Your mother told me to tell you that this girl is not a net red, you want more, child.

"Smelly shameless woman, want to speculate red, disgusting."

Zeng Rou replied: Sorry, my aunt, I am a young man, I have long been indifferent to fame and fortune, only seeking money, not asking for a name.

"Then you are just for money, your face is gone, seduce Su Shuai, swearing."

Zeng Rou replied: I don’t want to face money, I don’t have money, I don’t want any money, I don’t have any money, I don’t have the money, I’m so embarrassed, I’m not sure, I haven’t reached your realm, I’m I like you have never seen me before, but I can't do anything about it. Haha, I have the ability to beat me.

Zeng Rou, this girl, is very powerful in her heart. She is not only angry when she sees all kinds of ugly words.

And I am also happy to go to the powder, I feel particularly fun, especially exciting.

"The waiter, give me a Mocha, but also add ice, thank you." Zeng Rou was in a good mood.

In addition to these embarrassing ugly, there are actually some netizens who are neutral, and they are quite sincere.

"I think this girl is good, at least to help us Su Shuai's suspicion of homosexuality."

Zeng Rou reply: No thanks, please call me Lei Feng.

"Ha ha ha, you are so funny, you must be a very interesting girl, no wonder Su Shuai likes you."

Zeng Rou replied: It’s not fun to talk about, but I’m really not bored. I’m going to make it farther and farther than this road.

"I didn't expect Su to have a new relationship so soon. I thought he had Dr. Huo in his heart."

Zeng Rou replied: Soon, Su Yu, this single dog has been lonely for a long time.

"Yeah, Dr. Huo is so good, she is the true love of Su Shao, I don't accept others and his group CP."

Zeng Rou replied: The head can be broken, the three views can not be chaotic, Dr. Huo seems to have a family, you do not want Su Yu to be crowned with a small three, right? So children, wake up, Daqing has already died, it is impossible for three wives and four wives. We advocate monogamy, please strictly abide by our laws.

"Hahaha, this woman is really interesting. The passerby turns the powder, and will continue to pay attention to you, come on."

Zeng Rougang wants to reply, this time, the phone rings...

She picked it up and pressed the answer button, then brought the headset.

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