My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3203: Do you have the ability to beat me? (two)

"Auntie Su."

"Little, how are you doing there?"


"That night, Xiao Yu gave you a drive out. Where did you go to sleep?" Su Aunt is also worried about the safety of the girl.

"The hotel I live in."

"That morning's news..." Su Aunt said half of the words.

Zeng Ruo quickly explained, "Auntie Su, this is really not what I am looking for. I am also photographed in a confused way, but the person on Weibo is me. I also want to take this opportunity to give Su Yu a name, It’s rumored that those people are rumored that he is gay."

"Haha, well, this is a good way. I like Xiao Yu and my mother very much, Xiaorou...the temper of our Xiao Yu..."

"I saw it, it was very stinky. Like the stone in the pit, it was totally inconsistent with his handsome face. I almost yelled at me last night. That posture..." Zeng Rou couldn't help but laugh.

"Xiao Yu's temper was even worse before, but after meeting the girl of Huojia... I won't say it. In short, Xiao Yu is a good boy. You can work hard and you may not have less difficulty. But once conquered, it will definitely not disappoint you."

"I understand, Su Ayi, how do you say those words? Oh, yes, many people on the Internet say that you have the best in the world, but do you think the world is so good?"

"Haha, you kid, I like your humorous power, you, take care of yourself over there, don't let your parents worry... but what is less to call me, if the meeting is not available, You are looking for Xiao Yu's mother, I have told her well, take care of you."

"Well, nothing, Su Ayi, I am not going abroad, it's okay, this year, go out, bring a mobile wallet to everything."

"That's good, then you first contact Xiao Xiao on the other side. After I have dealt with the things here, I may have recently passed, and I will talk to Xiao Yu."

"Okay, Su Aunt, you are busy."

After hanging a phone call, I continued to open Weibo and friends.

Star King Group headquarters.

"Su Ye, you still recruited, the relationship between the two is so iron ... you don't lie." Tang Chuan took a straw to drink Su Yu's yogurt for the pudding, very naive.

"I am calling you a grandfather."

"My uncle, you can't recruit, our old Tang family don't go outside to find a job."

"Roll, don't add chaos to me here, I am busy and faint." Su Yu handled the work while still coping with Tang Chuan.

"But there is really nothing. How can the girl go to Weibo certification? It’s amazing."

"Who do you know him?" Su Yu is also a look of embarrassment.

"But really, the photo taken last night, I can't see my face, but the figure is not bad. Whatever it looks like, you call it out and show us." Tang Chuan continued to gossip.

"I repeat, I don't know her... I don't know the crazy woman, it was sent by my aunt." Su Yu felt that she really couldn't wash the Yellow River.

Star emperor star in the dressing room

After taking a group photo, Nie Lingwei, who was resting, took over the boiled water handed down by the staff.

"Hey, have you heard that, there is always a girlfriend in Susie?" Several staff members went privately.

Nie Lingqi took the paper cup's hand and made a slight movement, and the water suddenly wet the white dress.

"Miss 萱萱, are you okay?" The assistant ran over immediately.

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