My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3204: Do you have the ability to beat me? (three)

"I'm fine..."

"Look, the dress is soaked, I am giving you a new one..."

"Lulu, no, you tell the photographer, take it here today...." Nie Lingqi is very tired and swinging his hand.

"Ah? Don't shoot...but this is for your new show...."

"Don't shoot, I am dizzy, not very comfortable."

"This way, well, then I will talk to them, then accompany you to the hospital, you wait for me, ha."

When the assistant came back to say hello, Nie Lingqi had already left, and was no longer in place.

"Hey? What about my family, Miss?" The assistant was dumbfounded.

"Miss Ms. has gone, her face looks very bad." Some staff said.

Nie Lingqi did not bring an assistant, and even did not come to urgently remove makeup and change clothes, but went straight down the stairs and went to the garage to pick up the car.

Driving the white Maserati sports car directly back home.

After becoming famous, Nie Lingqi lived on his own, and the city center bought a big leap, more than 200 flat.

And in order to protect the privacy of the artists, even the babysitter did not ask.

When she is not at home, assistants and agents will find the cleaning of the housekeeping company to clean.

Fortunately, now that Xixi lives here, the parents of Xixi travel abroad, and she is bored at home.

Just moved to live with my sister, Rick and his men, they found a short-term rental house in the community.

"Sister, you are coming back early today." Xixi was quite happy.


"Sister, what's wrong with you? His face is so bad?" Sisi carefully observed her sister and found that her expression was wrong.

"It's okay, maybe it's too much work recently, and some can't eat it." Nie Ling said.

"Don't make yourself so tired, money can't be earned, but our life is limited, old sister..." Sicily glared at her sister's shoulder.

"Well, I understand."

"Have your company been so busy recently? It seems that one day I told Xiaomianjie, let her tell Su, don't exploit you."

"No, don't say, it's not the reason for Su. It's because I have to take so much work for myself. It's not about the general situation of Su."

"Look at your urgency, I will say that, you maintain him like this, it seems that you still haven't let go?" CSI guessed.

"I..." Nie Lingqi was a little upset.

"Sister, are you... seeing the news?" CSI suddenly remembered the news I saw on my mobile phone this morning.

Nie Lingqi did not say anything.

"Sister, you have to recognize the facts. Su is always a rich child. He never lacks a woman... He doesn't say that he has a new relationship, that is, one day, and we have no way to interfere."

"I know."

"Do you know that you are still upset? Are you too worried about him..."

"No, I just don't want to understand. Su is always willing to give those tender opportunities, why not give me..." Nie Lingqi clearly said that these words are not very good.

"Not the same, sister, it is because he values ​​you, look at you high, think that you are a good girl, can not play only, you see the women said in the report, certainly will not enter the Sujiamen, Su Yu Who is it, his marriage, may be so casual?"

"That's better than never getting close to Su...." Nie Ling's full grievances, even the voice with a whimper.

"Sister... you are not thinking right."

"I just like Su Yu, what am wrong with me?" Nie Lingqi suddenly excitedly refuted her sister.

For the first time, I saw that my sister, who had always been well-behaved, was so excited, and Xixi was a bit stunned.

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