My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3206: Do you have the ability to beat me? (Fives)

"Well, I am very interested. I looked at it and invested very little. The actor's popularity is not very strong. So even if it is post-production, it will be enough within 30 million. Now they are raising money. I think we are two people. Half, yes, what do you think?"

"One person is 15 million, but not much, but you haven't thought about the pudding. The new box office is not guaranteed. Don't say her, even the popular actress like Nie Lingqi is not necessarily selling it. So this is very risky."

"It’s not like doing business. If you are afraid of losing money, I will simply deposit the interest on the bank."

Waiting for Su Yu to speak, the pudding went on to say, "But I am afraid I can't keep up with inflation."

"You, people are big and big, and what you said is really a sentence."

"So what do you think?" Pudding asked Su Yu seriously.

"I still feel that you invested in film and television for the first time, and there are too many 15 million. So, I will take 25 million, if you take 5 million, and then make money, five or five points."

"No, we are talking about business now, we have to do business, I don't want Su Shuai to take care of me... After all, I have to face this one in the future, Su Shuai, you can't take care of me for a lifetime?"

The words of pudding always make Su Yu very shocking and convincing.

"alright, you win."

"Ouye, that's it. I will transfer the money from our company account to your company account, and then operate your company. I only have one request."

"What requirements?" Su Yu thought, this Xiao Nizi wants to make sure that she can make money, and ask Su Yu to help her arrange the film rate or promote something.

Unexpectedly, she did not...

"I and Douding want to be a guest."

"Ah? You want to be a guest?" Su Yu was even more surprised.

"Well, I looked at the script. There is exactly one link in it. A pair of children were trafficked by traffickers. Then the woman owner saved the child. Finally, the policeman who solved the case was better. I and Douding wanted to play that pair. The kid being trafficked."

"But... your mom will not agree."

Su Yu listened to Huo Mian, she did not want her children to show up, and did not want to enter the entertainment circle.

"In this case, I have the way to convince Mommy and the land, you just need to promise me."

After all, Su Yu is the big boss of the Star Emperor, so this little thing is certainly not difficult.

"That... that's okay, but you don't want to provoke your mother to be angry, she is pregnant now." Su Yuxi.

"Su Shuai, you are really eccentric, even talking to me, you must be biased to Mommy a little..."

"Amount, no...." Su Yu is a little embarrassed.

"I know that I will be jealous, and I will converge quickly."

"Khan... Really not, I just worried that your mommy is pregnant now. Everyone should try not to provoke her to get angry. The biggest reason for pregnant women." Su Yu explained.

"Well, no need to say more, I know you."

"You know six, you... little boy." Su Yu also helplessly laughed.

Then the waiter continued to serve, and the one-on-one snack seemed to be very enjoyable.

Pudding is very low-key, the same character as Qin Chu, low-key even friends circle is rarely issued.

Bean diced is not the same, I can't wait to eat ice cream.

When I finished eating, the pudding suddenly said, "Who was the girl who spent the night at your house last night?"

"You said that you don't ask, don't you hold back?" Su Yu smiled.

"No, I am very curious, what kind of woman can run your house to sleep for one night."

"Where I have slept for one night, I was thrown out in the middle of the night, okay?" Su Yu explained quickly.

"So is that the chicken you called?" Pudding asked seriously.

Su Yu vomited blood after hearing almost...

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