My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3207: Do you have the ability to beat me? (six)

"What kind of messy things do you think in your little devil's head?"

"Su Shuai, you don't have to be embarrassed. You are also a normal man. It is definitely a physiological need. But if you ask for a takeaway, you should pay attention to safety."

Su Yu:...

The Puddings are small and big, and the words they say are also that Su Yu can’t get up.

"Forget it, tell you, you don't understand me."

"The things that work together are so fixed."

"Well, Xiao Qin, the cooperation is pleasant." Su Yu can not laugh.

Here the pudding and Su Yu eat teppanyaki, where Huomian and Doudou are also in the south.

"Vice deputy, are you back?"

"Vice dean, good at noon, haven't seen you for a long time?"

"The deputy dean, the baby has four or five months?"

"This is your big treasure or two treasures, so cute..."

After Huo Mian returned, the doctors and nurses in the Southern District came around and greeted their mother and daughter.

Being surrounded by portraits like animals, doudding is also very uncomfortable.

They don't know the real situation, but think that Huo Mian is on vacation because of pregnancy.

After all, the first three months are sensitive periods.

"I haven't been back for a long time, are you okay?" Huo Mian laughed.

"We all miss you, deputy dean, you are not here, we are really not used to it, Wu Dean is back a few times... but not as good as when you are."

"Everyone is busy first. I will go back to my office to get some information. I will talk back to you."

"Okay, deputy dean, tell you when you have something."

Everyone is all gone...

Huo Mian took the hand of Bean Ding and went upstairs.

"Mummy... they seem to respect you very much."

"Well, do you know what this is?" Huo Mian asked.

"Because you are the leader."

"Not at all."

"Then they are because you have money at home, look at you high." Douding said.

"Not right."

"That... they are because they think that Mommy is good and looks good."

"It has nothing to do with the appearance, your mommy is not Lin Qingxia, how can you please look at it?"

"That's not known." Douding whispered a small mouth.

"Actually, they all respect Mommy because Mommy has professional ethics and will save people in the first place."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Douding seems to understand.

Huo Mian is in the Southern District. In recent years, the contribution to the Southern District has been obvious to all.

Many of the first-aid patients sent were due to the fact that Huo Mian’s decision was made and his life was saved.

Even once, after a man who had been involved in a car accident, the man was ill and ran away without paying.

Later, the money was all humbled by Huo Mian, and everyone would not want to go with it.

Huo Mian said that he is the leader and has the most responsibility.

These little things are the reason why everyone respects her.

"Doudou, you remember the words of Mommy, people live forever, you can not be a Virgin, you can not be noble... You can not leave a good reputation like Lei Feng, do not be a good deed, but ... must have a kind person. ”

"Mummy, I know, the first sentence of the three characters is not to say, is the human nature good?" Douding is also a quick reaction, and it is inferior.

"Yes, that's it. Mommy doesn't ask you and my sister to grow up. What are the achievements? I don't ask you to contribute to the society. There are so great thoughts and enlightenments. I only hope that you two good people will be safe. And then do things calmly, just like anyone."

"Wow... good esoteric look, although I can't understand it very well, but Mommy is right, I will listen to Mommy's words." Doudou nodded.

"Director, are you coming back to work soon?" At the door of the office, Chen Jie was also surprised and happy to see Huo Mian.

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