My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3209: Do you have the ability to beat me? (Eight)

Telling the truth, Huo Mian, who had a good mentality, was nervous after listening to it.

"Ah...that... is it a boy or a girl?"

Through the glass, I don’t know what the female doctor said to Huo Mian.

When it came out, Chen Jie immediately went up. "Director, boy and girl?"

"Guess?" Huo Mian mysteriously smiled.


After the examination of Huo Mian, it was not a big problem to leave the Bean Ding with some inspection reports.

"Mummy, are we going home now?"

"No, let's go to the company to find a bad place?"

"Well, wow, I am just going home to take a nap. Let my sister come over too. I just called her. She and Su Shuai are together, and they have finished lunch."

"Well, let Xiao An send the pudding too."

Huo Mian seems to be in a good mood, and went out to the hospital directly to the Mercedes-Benz RV.

Since she became pregnant, Qin Chu has rejected her own driving.

Once, Huo Mian couldn't bear to say to Qin Chu, "Husband, I am doing nothing, I am not stupid."

"No, I am afraid that other stupid people on the road will interfere with you."

This sentence directly makes Huo Mian speechless...

Later, she completely gave up the idea of ​​driving, no matter where she went, the bodyguards and drivers were always there.

a secret prison in C City

Huo Siqian was locked up here, and eating is a person, even if he occasionally came out to bask in the sun, it is also a person.

He also gradually understood that this is a special place for him to build.

"Sir, report."

"What?" A prison guard came over with a baton and glanced at Huo Siqian, who was in a prison uniform with handcuffs and ankles.

"I want to make a call."


"Even if the prisoner of death has this right to call home, how can I not play?"

"This is the arrangement above, and I don't know."

"Then say to you, I want to call, who is your boss? Gao Ran?" Huo Siqian also seems to have guessed.

"You don't have to worry about it, just transform it here."

The prison guards did not seem to want to take care of Huo Siqian, because when they were transferred, they explained it.

This is a special prisoner. Try not to have contact with him, talk to him less, and don't promise him any.

"It seems that what I said, you are all going to turn a blind eye." Huo Siqian laughed.

I don't know if he thought he was a good temper.

The prison guard did not take care of him and went straight back.

Huo Siqian suddenly, kneeling on the ground, pulled out a small wooden stick that looked inconspicuous from the grass.

This thing is not going to let him commit suicide...

However, he took the little wooden stick and inserted it directly into his left ear.

Then, just listen to a scream and scream behind him...

After hearing the prison guard, he rushed over and saw that Huo Siqian’s left ear was constantly bleeding, and he was frightened.

"Call the central control room, call the central control room, here is the 29th prison area, the prisoner 001 appears self-mutilation, please send an ambulance immediately."

GK headquarters

"Little lady..., wow, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Xiao Yang’s assistant saw Huo Mian, but he was not excited.

After Xiao Yang’s accident, he rested at home for several months, and then many things happened in succession.

When Xiao Yang came back, Huo Mian was taken away by Huo Siqian for a long time.

"My husband?"

"Qin always has a high-level meeting inside, I will help you call him."

"Don't let him get busy first, I will sit in the lounge with the peas, just wait a minute."

"Yang Shushu is good." Douding said hello.

When Huo Mian just sat down, the cell phone gene rang.

"Huo Mian, you will come to the first hospital right away." It was a loud voice.

"what happened?"

"Horschke is self-harming and threatens us to say that you will not see you and will not undergo surgery." Gao Ran seems to be overwhelmed.

Huo Mian listened to his heart...

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