My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3210: Do you have the ability to beat me? (nine)

"When did this happen?"

"Just just."

"Where is it hurt?"

"Injury to the eardrum, something like a branch, piercing the eardrum..." Gao Ran said.

After listening to it, it’s really a cold breath.

"But the eardrum, I... I don't understand very well, I can't do surgery." Huo Mian is also panicked.

"I didn't say that you want to have surgery. Now it is the name of the dead metamorphosis to see you. If you don't come, he will resist the operation and will not cooperate at all. Hey, you know, Huo Siqian is now sensitive, and I only have Qin Chu. Can be considered as a temporary imprisonment, death can not die, but can not be known above, this matter ... in short, very complicated."

Gao Ran knew at the beginning that it was definitely not so easy to pick up the hot potato of Huo Siqian.

But with Qin Chu many years old iron buddies, he does not help, who else can help?

There is something wrong with it now, and it is really a bit troublesome. For the time being, I can’t let him die.

"The first hospital, yes, I will pass right away."

"Well, we are waiting for you here, be quick, Huo Mian."

"I know."

Hanging up the phone, Huo Mian shouted a little Yang.

"Little lady."

"Xiao Yang, you should take care of my peas first. After a while, Qin always comes out and gives the child to him. I have something urgent to deal with, and I will pick her up when I come here."

"Okay, then I will call you a car?"

"No, I brought the driver and the bodyguard."

"Doudin..." Huo Mian squatted down and touched the head of the bean.

"I know, Mommy, go to work, I am here to listen to Uncle Yang’s words, I have to wait for it."

"Well, Mommy will pick you up later, you have to be jealous."

"Well." Douding also knows how to be light and heavy, seeing Mummy so anxious, so nodded well.

Huo Mian has just walked for fifteen minutes, and Qin Chu will come out after the opening.

As soon as I came out, I saw the bean diced sitting in the doorway playing mobile games, and my eyes softened.

"Doudou, how are you here?"

"Hey, are you out?" Douding immediately put down his mobile phone and was directly picked up by Qin Chu.

"Qin, Mrs. Shao has just been here..."

"My wife?" Qin Chu took a lap and did not see Huo Mian's figure.

"After seeing you in a meeting, I said that I was waiting outside, but I took a call. It seems that there is an urgent matter. I left. Let me look at the Bean Ding and say that when you come out, I will hand you Miss Miss Ding, and then later. Come to meet."


After that, Qin Chu held the Bean Ding all the way to the office.

"General Qin, regarding the plan just now, I still have two points to add..." The director of the marketing department behind me hurriedly followed.

"Let's talk about it later." Qin Chu faintly lost a sentence.

The marketing director is confused...

"So I don't know anything about it. Didn't you see Miss Douding come, go on, and wait until the president is free." Xiao Yang waved his hand and sent them away.

Qin Chu was holding Bean Ding and entered the large office.

"Wow, it’s still a good office, big and beautiful, it’s cool...where is the little warehouse like mom...”

In the hot summer, suddenly there was cold air blowing, and Douding felt happy and dead.

"What happened to your mommy office?" Qin Chu deliberately teased her.

"Small, I really can't figure out that my mommy is also the vice president. So many patients in the Southern District should be very rich, so give Mommy a small office."

"Not because your mommy has feelings about the office and refused to move away?" Qin Chu is also a helpless wife's little temper.

"If I am a mommy, I am sure to give myself a floor to be an office. Hundreds of flats are me alone."

"Then I see that you are not going to work, you are going to enjoy it." Qin Chu smiled.

"Right, slamming, give me 10,000 yuan." Douding reached out.

Qin Chu suddenly sweats...

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