My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3221: You are a dog skin plaster (10)

"I am going to the toilet."

Su Yu:...

Xiao An:......

"Quickly open the door, I don't know what to eat in the bad belly..."

Xiao An looked back at Su Yu and seemed to ask the boss.

"Open the door for her." Su Yu gnashed his teeth.

Xiao An immediately opened the door and ran upstairs at the same speed as Zeng Fanfeng.

"You give me back, there is a bathroom on the first floor." Su Yu shouted.

"The upstairs scenery is better." Zeng Kuangtou did not return.

Su Yu is also drunk, go to a toilet, but also to find a good scenery, this woman is home to the situation?

"Su total, this is what you let me drive, it is not my business." Xiao An quickly clarified the relationship.

Su Yu was upset and picked up the phone and dialed the number of her aunt.

"Xunzi, how do you think of me today?" Su Yumei was very happy to pick up the phone.

"Ah, I beg you, take the dog skin plaster away?"

"Dog skin plaster, who? Is that called Xiao'an? I also think that it is not appropriate for him to live in your home. It also affects your feelings with Xiaorou..."

"Ah, don't you mess around? I am talking about that Zeng Rou."

"Haha, Xiaorou is not particularly cute, telling you that she was very naughty when she was a child. Her mother told me about her many funny things when she was a child. I felt that it was very similar to our little boy."

"Ah, this is not my dish, don't you bother with it? You want to mad at me?" Su Yu couldn't bear it.

"Emotions are slowly cultivated, don't worry?"

"I am afraid that after training, I will hang up."

"Haha, how exaggerated, the character of Xiaorou is really pretty good, you will know when you come into contact..."

"I don't care, you hurry to find a way to get her away... the sooner the better..."

"Xiao Yu? Hey? Hey...?"

"I am here."

"Hey? What kind of mobile phone, no signal, well, come back and tell you, ha."

After that, I waited for Su Yu to talk, and my aunt hanged the phone directly.

What age is this, no signal? Who are you cheating? Su Yu deeply felt that this time, Gu was deliberate.

But even if he is good, can't it be like this?

Indiscriminately sent a woman who doesn’t know what it is...

Su Yu directly dropped the phone on the sofa, then leaned his head behind and sighed.

"Su, do you want to come to a quick-acting rescue pill?" Xiao An asked.

"Is it better to send me directly to the crematorium?" Su Yu snorted.

Xiaoan held back and almost didn't laugh...

The first time I saw my boss, I was overwhelmed.

After about half an hour, Zeng Rou slowly descended from the upstairs.

"Su Yu, I have an opinion, ha."

Su Yu turned her head and ignored her... directly ignoring her existence.

"Don't you press WIFI in your home's toilet? I just went in and went to the bathroom while playing a few kings. When I got up, my legs were numb..." Zeng said.

"Oh...." Xiaoan couldn't help it, laughing out loud.

Su Yu looked at Zeng Rou with a faint look. "So, are you getting cheap and selling?"

"No, if I win, I will forget it, but I lost a few games in a row, and I was beaten by my teammates... It’s so bad. I finally concluded that I can’t beat the king when I go to the toilet, because the place is too stinky, unlucky. The location of Feng Shui is not good." Zeng Rou said a serious.

"Ha ha ha, Miss Zeng, you are so funny." Xiao An saw such a fun girl for the first time.

"Give you three seconds, let him disappear to Laozi." Su Yu is also angry.

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