My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3222: Your daughter started the company (1)

"Don't be excited, ha, I will roll right away."

Zeng Rou walked and whispered, "I am so stingy, isn't I borrowing a toilet?"

The gas of Su Yu, both eyes will be angry, but she is helpless.

"When you go to get the lychee today, who is at home?"

"Mrs. and babysitter are at home." Xiao An answered truthfully.

"My dad?"

"Master should come back at night, how? You want to go home?" Xiaoan saw the boss's intention to go.

“Where can I live in other houses?”

"You can live, but most of your daily necessities are in the old house and here. If you suddenly live in the past, I am afraid that there is nothing, it is not very convenient."

"Tangchuan's little scorpion villa is good, I should go to him for a night."

"This is not good, isn't it that Miss Qin Ning used to live?"

"Qinning is not going back to Nanshan Castle?"

"But Nanshan Castle is not a lot of people recently, can't live down... It is said that after Dr. Huo was pregnant, Nanshan Castle invited several professional maids to take care of pregnant women. Qin Ning’s father had not left yet, so Tang Shao Miss Ms. Qin has been fooled."

"This kid is really blessed..." Su Yu forked his waist and was worrying about his residence.

"Su total, I think, you are not the way to move out. This is what Miss Zeng is sticky. Wherever you move, she may follow where, so where is it going?" Xiaoan guessed.

"You seem to say a little truth." Su Yu touched the chin, rational analysis.

"So it's better to be at home, Miss Zeng is living outside, and will not come in to do anything to you, ha."

"Roller, don't mess up here, it's troublesome..."

Finally, Su Yu did not tell him.

Su Yu rarely eats dinner at home, so at dinner, most of them take a few cans of cold beer, take some cooked food in the refrigerator, eat and drink while watching the ball.

Today is no exception.

But Zeng Rou at the door was different. She ordered a takeaway with her mobile phone and ordered pizza fried chicken and beer.

Covered with whole meals and even fruit salads...

"Su Yu... Su Yu..." Zeng Luo stood at the door and shouted.

"You go out and see, this woman is crazy again. If you go to the toilet, open the door directly to her." Su Yu is too lazy to talk to the woman.

Xiao’an followed the instructions of the boss and walked over to open the door.

"Miss Zeng."

"You asked Su Yu, I ordered a takeaway, beer fried chicken, eat or not?"

"Okay, wait a moment."

Xiao An then trots to Su Yu in a few steps.

"Su total, Miss Zeng said that she ordered a takeaway, beer fried chicken, eat or not?"

"Do not eat." Su Yu refused very hard.

"Miss Zeng, we, Su, said that he is not hungry." Xiaoan euphemistically refused Zeng Rou.

"It doesn't matter, go, eat it."


"Let's go, I have booked a lot." Zeng Rou kindly invited.

"Don't stop, how is this fun?"

"What's the embarrassing thing, have you just given me two boxes of lychees?"

Zeng Rou said, not waiting for Xiao An to speak, he took him out, and the momentum caught up with the female bandits.

Xiao An is also scared enough...

When Su Yu watched a small TV and found that there was no movement behind him, he shouted, "Xiao An, Xiao An?"

As a result, no one responded for a long time. This Su Yu got up and went to the floor-to-ceiling window at the door.

Oh, good, the two outside, a man with a fried chicken leg, a can of beer is eating the sea?

"Xiao'an, are you going to fight the rhythm of water?" Su Yu opened the door, walked over with his hands, looked at Zeng Rou, and looked at Xiao An.

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