My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3223: Your daughter started the company (2)

"Cough, Su total you say."

Xiao An’s chicken legs almost didn’t lie, and he stood up in a scared way.

"What are you doing with Su Yu, you are not looking for dinner, you are not eating, you are not allowed to eat. Is this typical of not eating grapes and saying that grapes are sour?" Zeng Roo also played for Xiao An.

"I will not eat grapes and say grape sour? Funny, you will eat these junk food?" Su Yu pointed to fried chicken and beer righteous words.

"Su total, you don't always accompany the pudding bean diced they eat? How is it junk food?" Xiaoan looked aggrieved.

"You shut me up, I will be cleaning you up for a while." Su Yu squatting Xiao An, this kid's ability to tear down the platform is very good.

"I thought that Su Shaoding was a bad temper. Now it seems that my heart is still narrow, oh..."

"Yeah, I am a narrow-minded villain, so what do you do with this dog skin plaster, don't you go out?" Su Yu rushed her.

"Why should I go, I haven't played enough yet, I am traveling by myself, can't camping?"

"You can camp, you are at my door?" Su Yu also quarreled with the children at this time, and wanted to talk to Zeng Ruo.

"I like Xiao An, can't you?"

"Hey... please, please, I don't want to back the pot." Xiao An really scared his face.

If Zeng Rou is an ordinary person, it will be considered. In this way, the woman in the background, Xiao An is too much to eat, so I dare not think too much.

And he also saw it, Zeng Rou was running to Su Yu.

"Well, if you can marry us Xiao An, I will send you two Lamborghini." Su Yu released his words.

"Whoever is your Lamborghini, I am... you think that you have money in your family, look at your face... Hey, lazy to talk to you, Xiaoan, we continue to drink."

"Amount, this is not good, Su Zong, or else you sit down and have a drink?" Xiao An felt that the atmosphere today is very strange.

"I don't eat junk food, thank you, drink it."

After that, Su Yu turned to the door.

"Miss Zeng, our boss seems to be angry, I will go in and see..."

"Nothing, don't be nervous." Zeng Rou seems to know a lot about Su Yu.

Less than five minutes after entering, Su Yu changed his clothes out.

Take the car key directly to the garage...

Then drive the car out...

"Su total, you are going where to go, let me drive?" Xiao An slowly stood up.

Su Yu did not return a word, and the fierce kick went down, and the car suddenly went out.

Only leaving a willful car exhaust, in the same place, Chad once soft and Xiao An both coughed up.

"Ha ha ha ha, Su Yu, he is too fun, he is angry, right?" Zeng Ruo laughed, there is no lady.

"I don't know if I am angry, I know that I am not far from death..." The small face is flat.

"Cut, don't be afraid, I will support you. Don't worry, Su Ayi, who is Su Yu's aunt, likes me very much. I grew up watching me grow up... Su Yu will not be too much."

"Miss Zeng, you said that you are so good, why do you have to entangle our family Su, he is also very distressed." Xiao An also felt that this woman has done something.

"Xiao'an, now Su Yu is not there, some words, only the two of us said."

"What?" Xiao An stunned, and heard the meaning of Zeng Rou, it seems that there is something in the words.

"I heard that he likes a woman for several years, isn't he?" Zeng Ruo suddenly lowered his voice and asked.

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