My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3224: Your daughter started the company (3)

"Miss Zeng, this..." Xiao An did not want to say more about the privacy of Su Yu.

"Reassure, your boss's business, I want to know, I know. He likes people for several years. It's a big fan. Who doesn't know? I want to check something, it's easy. I just want to hear from you." The complete Su Yu, a real, not the outside media bragging, or the elders are absolutely perfect, I don't believe that a person will have no shortcomings, so you don't have to be nervous, just follow the truth."

"Miss Zeng, do you want to know us Su, do you have an idea?"

"Yeah, if I don't have any thoughts, I will run here, talk to him, and be detained. Is this sin?"

"Miss Zeng, also like those of the ladies, is to look at our family's family?" asked Xiao An.

"No, although the Su family is indeed prominent, but we have not been bad at home, we can say that our family is a nobleman, my grandfather and their generation are all nobles of the Qing Dynasty... Over the years, the family has never lost money, even if It’s a ruin, so you tell me the family, I think it’s a bit ridiculous.”

"In this case, why did Miss Zeng have such an interest in our Soviet Union?"

Xiao An is not only a bodyguard and assistant of Su Yu, but also often like a buddy.

About this woman suddenly came, and so diligent to Su Yu, Xiao An really feels afraid is a conspiracy.

Or, there is another green tea...

In the past, the lessons of Zhao Qingya’s flow were still bloody.

I remember that Su Yu was drunk and chatted with Xiao An.

Just talking about the topic of the famous ladies, Xiao An said, you are not like them, but they like you, it is also very good.

It’s okay, isn’t it good? At least this is what a rich family should do.

However, Su Yu said very seriously at the time that she was not interested in these women.

If they are given a good face, they will lick their noses and think that they are Mrs. Su Jiashao.

When the hype is small, it is big to find a hibernation.

Xiaoan suddenly realized this...

It turned out that before Zhao Qingya, Jane, etc., did not bring any harm to Su Yu.

But they do have a deep hostility towards Huo Mian, because Su Yu deeply loves Huo Mian.

Therefore, in order not to give Huoming the establishment of those white lotus green tea that is not necessary, Su Yu not only does not fall in love, but even the cockroaches are isolated.

At that time, Xiao An felt that the boss was really an infatuated man.

Now that Zeng Rou’s intentions, he did not understand, naturally will not easily believe this woman’s words.

"How do you say, Xiao An, I am looking for Su Yu, the reason is to go out, maybe you will not believe me." Zeng soft smiled, then took a sip of beer.

Xiao An did not speak, just listened to her quietly.

"I, I used to like a boy when I was in college... The boy is a school grass recognized by our school. Coincidentally, he and I have a class. He is handsome, good at learning, good at basketball, and many girls. I like him. I always thought that he was a connotative person and wouldn’t like those fat powders...."

"Later?" Xiao An actually became interested in Zengrou's affairs.

"I later wrote a love letter to him. My character is from small to large. It is a female bandit in my mother's words." Zeng said with a smile.

"Is the school grass promised?"

"How to say it, I didn't directly say promised at the time, but I didn't refuse it. At that time, I still didn't understand it. Now I think it might be awkward? The relationship between a friend and a friend is not full... Hehe." Say yourself and laugh at yourself.

"You broke up later?" Xiao An looked at Zeng Rou seems to be a little sad, I am afraid this is not a good memory.

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