My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3229: Your daughter started the company (eight)

"I definitely can't give money, you love to say no, I am not interested." Pudding directly refused, super does not give face.

"Hey? Hey, look at your eldest daughter... not much stuff..." Douding is quite dissatisfied.

"Haha, you want to blackmail your sister, it is a bit difficult." Huo Mian is also happy.

"Don't give it, grandparents, you give me, I secretly tell you." Douding looked at his grandparents.

"Grandpa, grandmother, don't give it to you. With this guy's broken mouth, even if you don't give money, she will say, surely it won't last long, why waste money?" Pudding interrupted.

"Qin Dynasty, you are too idiot, if you don't give it, you still incite your grandparents, are you still sisters?"

"You are a sister, you should not ask for money, grandparents are so good to you, you need money, do you want to face?" Pudding retorted.

"Hey, you, you, you..." Douding was really speechless by her sister.

"Haha, okay, you guys don't bother, my head hurts, so let's make one step... one person and one thousand. It's really a bit more, so, Grandpa gives you five hundred pieces, you put it well. The news announced to everyone, is it good?" Qin Chu dad smiled and took five hundred dollar bills from the old shirt and placed them on the table.

"Five hundred? This is too little, not enough to eat a few bowls of Haagen-Dazs...." Douding flat mouth.

"If you see it, please accept it. Give you five hundred grandfathers and benevolence... or five hundred will not give you." Said, the pudding reached out to get the money.

However, he was snatched away by the peasant's hand.

"Qin Dynasty, you want to grab my money."

The pudding didn't really want to take it. It was the peas, and she couldn't stand it.

"Granddaughter, this time I took the grandfather's money, is it right to talk about it, good news?" Mrs. Qin had a dumpling and quietly placed it in the bowl of Huo Mian.

Huo Mian was moved to see her mother-in-law.

"The good news is that I went to the maternity check with Mummy today. The aunt who made the color ultrasound said, Mommy is pregnant with her brother."

"Ah? Is it true? Xiaomian, what the children said is true?" Mrs. Qin looked a little excited.

"Yeah, Xiaomian, is Bean Ding really true?" Qin Chu Da seems to be a little excited.

"Cough... Bean Ding, who makes you nonsense." Huo Mian is embarrassed.

Originally, the results came out. She only intended to tell Qin Daren one. She did not expect to publicize it. After all, if it was turned over, I would face more in the future.

But I did not expect that Bean Ding immediately sold her.

However, what Huo Mian didn’t understand was that he clearly remembered that he had not said anything to Douding, and Chen Jie did not say it.

Where did this little girl come from?

"I didn't talk nonsense, it's all true."

"Who told you?" Huo Mian looked at her daughter is also somewhat puzzling.

"Is it still used? Mommy finished the inspection, but I was going to go home, but suddenly changed my mind to find a place, and I was smiling all the way. It must be a good thing... It must be a boy." You are going to give our family a rhythm of the Prince." Doudou speculated.

Huo Mian is also crying and laughing...

"Well, our home bean is smart." Qin Chu is quite proud of boasting.

"Mummy, Doudou said, is it true?" Pudding was very calm, looking at Huo Mian.

"The amount... In fact, it is not very certain. It is only a temporary check-up. It is also possible that colleagues have said this in order to marry me. Ha, don't take it too seriously." Huo Mian is embarrassed.

"Impossible, the equipment in the Southern District has always been very advanced. You don't have to be embarrassed to sleep." Qin Chu Dad seems to be quite excited.

After all, I dare not think that I will have the opportunity to hold my grandson in my lifetime.

"Yeah, Xiaomian, you will give me and your dad a real truth, save us both to guess." Qin Chu Ma is also excited to not.

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