My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3230: Your daughter started the company (9)

"Mom, the initial checkup at our hospital... is a boy, but... this thing is not 100%, so don't give too much hope, ha."

Huo Mian didn't want to say that she was too full and told the truth. If it wasn't for the yawning, she would not say anything about it.

Humien itself is a relatively low-key person. He is telling people that he is pregnant with a boy. It is definitely not her style.

Although Huo Mian has emphasized that it is not necessarily accurate...

Let everyone not hold too much hope, but after hearing the old Qin family, they are still very happy.

"Oh, that's great, Achu his father... We have a late Qin family."

"Yeah, I don't dare to think that I can still have a grandson. I thought we had two big babies. It is already very happy. God is not thin to us at the end of the day..."

Qin Jia Er Lao seems to be excited.

Huo Mian was a bit embarrassed and a little shy, leaning his head on Qin Chu's shoulder.

"Husband, what should I do, I am not used to it... my parents' reaction is great."

"Calm, they are two years old, happy is also inevitable." Qin Chu comfort.

"Mummy...that is, we have a younger brother in the future, right?" Pudding continued.

"Well, in theory, this is the case, but you can rest assured that if you have a younger brother, I will be as good as you and my sister."

Huo Mian wants to appease the child's heart, afraid that the child's heart is out of balance.

"Mummy, you are too worried, very happy, I think, after the family has a more black pot, my sister and I are considered successors."

Qin Chu: ...

Huo Mian:......

"Haha, sister, you said this sentence is very right, I think so too, I also gave my brother a small name, it is called a small black pot, can't you?" Douding said.

“Small black and black? Or a small pot will not be better?” said Pudding.

"No, no, not cute, I think the little back pot will be more cute?"

At the dinner table, the two sisters began to talk about the younger name of the younger brother. Qin Chu and Huo Mian were also crying and laughing.

"Husband, I have a bad feeling." Huo Mian lowered his voice and said in Qin Chu's ear.

"What premonition?"

"I think, our little baby, after coming out, the days may not be too good, these two sisters are not good at ah..."

"Do not worry, I believe that the sons born from the genes of the tricks will not go anywhere."

"That is also true." Huo Mian nodded in agreement.

"So, let their sisters hurt each other like this..." Qin Chu's face was calm.

"Ha ha ha, you are so bad, Qin Daren."

In this way, the family was eating the dumplings of Mrs. Qin’s lady in an extremely happy atmosphere.

Huo Mian really hearted his appetite and ate 15 dumplings in one go, and all the food was kept.

When she went upstairs, Qin Chu carefully glared at her waist and helped her to go up.

Beans stay in the living room and watch TV with Grandpa.

The pudding took the cell phone silently and went upstairs behind his parents.

After Qin Chu and Huo Mian entered the bedroom, Qin Chu turned and just turned off the door and saw the pudding standing at the door.

"Budding, how come you came up?"

"Hey, I have something, I need to ask you and Mommy for advice?"

"So serious?" Qin Chu smiled and kneel down and picked up her daughter.

Compared with 豆丁, pudding is rarely spoiled, and most of the time is very mature, but she is smart and sensible.

In the eyes of Qin Chu, they are just a child...

"Hey, I am serious, really big thing."

"How big?" Qin Chu spoiled the kiss on the cheek of his daughter, the father loves flooding.

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