My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3231: Your daughter started the company (10)

"Super big."

The pudding used two words to describe it.

Qin Chu finally decided to be good, serious, and listen to what the daughter is going to say is a big event?

"Wife, you don't enter the bathroom first, our daughter has something important to tell us." Qin Chu said.

"Oh that's fine."

Huo Mian took the towel, just about to enter the bathroom, turned back, sat on the bed, looking at the father and daughter at the door.

Qin Chu came in with the pudding, put it on the sofa, and then sat down with her.

"Hey, you go to close the door, I don't want others to hear it."

"Good." Qin Chu got up and took the door.

Then, these three words are like sitting on a shareholder meeting.

"Miss Qin Chao, can you say it now?" Huo Mian looked at her daughter.

"There are a lot of things I want to say, but because my personality is not so inky, so I intend to simplify, focus on the first thing, sly, Mommy, I opened a company."

"Ah? What?" Huo Mian’s face was also shocked.

Qin Chu did have a very calm reaction. He took a look at Huo Mian and stressed, "Your daughter, she... opened a company."

"Yes, what you said is right." Pudding continued to confirm.

"You won't be kidding me?" Huo Mian thinks this is a bit nonsense, how big is the pudding?

"Mummy, I am very serious," said Pudding.

"Well, let's go on... What company are you driving, what kind of property, how much is the registered capital? Where is it opened?" Huo Mian asked a series of questions.

"Mummy, this is the second point I want to talk about. This company is not my own new one. It was purchased by me. Simply put, I bought a ready-made company directly from others. I brought it back and integrated it." ""

"Pudding, where do you come from so much money, do you know how much it costs to acquire a company?" Huo Mian seems to be a little excited.

"Mummy, this company has a lot of money, but I have made a lot of money in this time, plus the principal that you gave me and you, and in the past few years, everyone gave me the lucky money, I use it. Inside, although not quite enough, but the remaining Su Shuai helped me, it is to lend it to me, I will return it to him later."

"You also asked Su Yu to borrow..." Huo Mian felt that this was too exciting.

"Wife, calm, listen to my daughter finished." Qin Chu has always been very calm.

"Now the money is not the focus, the focus is on this company... He is... the company of Huo Siqian, in fact, it is a mess," said Pudding.

At this time, Huo Mian once again felt that he had suffered a heavy blow.

"What? You bought Holmes? Who told you to do this?" Obviously, Huo Mian did not agree with her daughter's approach.

"Mummy, Huo Siqian has transferred a lot of his property to the Swiss bank. Now there is only one empty shell left in Hoss, and a bunch of employees who have been abandoned by him. I took over Huo, and theoretically solved it. A lot of employees are unemployed. This is a good thing, understand?"

"Budding, you are still a child. Are you fighting against such a big banner? Have you said that Mommy has to do something to do..."

Huo Mian excitedly stood up and said loudly to her daughter.

"Small sleep, you sit down, don't scare the child..." Qin Chu hurryed over and grabbed his wife's shoulder.

"Mummy, I know that I have a few pounds, I have the confidence that I can get back to life, please believe me."

"What do I believe in you, pudding, don't be willful, this company, I will let you help you deal with it..." Huo Mian took the initiative.

"No, I don't want to die." Pudding seems to have decided.

The mother and the daughter were together for a moment, and the atmosphere was very tense...

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