My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3244: Men can't share (3)

"It’s stupid, I don’t know.” Amy lowered her head and said carefully.

Lu Yan looked at her side with deep thoughts and continued. "I heard about it before. For women, there are two things in the world that cannot be shared, that is, toothbrushes and men."

"Oh...." Amy nodded, pretending to be incomprehensible.

"But I am a man, more generous. If I am waiting for you, if you are interested in me, the toothbrush sharing is nothing, but the man's words..."

"Do you mind?" Lu smoke asked Amy.

"Amy doesn't understand the boss."

"Don't be nervous, I will ask, do you mind using a man with your girlfriend?"

"I haven't talked about love before, I don't know how to answer the boss."

"If you have a hypothetical question, don't be serious."

"I don't think I should. After all, love is a selfish thing. Anyone wants their man to belong to one's own person. This matter should be minded by both men and women, unless it is psychologically abnormal."

"Well, I think so. If it is my friend, I can give it to you without money. I can give it to you without weapons. When I need it, I am obliged, but if you carry me, I will rob me." I am sorry, I may have killed her."

"The boss is right." Amy answered with some absent-mindedness.

"Is the dinner fixed?" Lu Yan said.

"Well, I have already told the kitchen to arrange it, is it in the room, or have you eaten in the past?"

"I am going to go." Said, Lu smoke got up.

"You go to help me to call Joe a past, I will go over there and wait for him."

"Good." Amy seemed to be a little excited after hearing Joey's name.

Then, regardless of the subtle expression of Luyan, he turned and went to the next door.

Lu smoke got up and simply took a skirt and went straight to the revolving restaurant on the top floor.

Michelin’s famous cook only serves her alone.

When Lu Yan was eating, he said that picky can be picky to the extreme, and even if the fish died for a long time, she can eat it?

If Luyan is not picky, the roasted sweet potato on the roadside will be fragrant.

Therefore, eating good or bad depends on her mood.

"Joe Shao." Amy cheeked red and knocked on the door, shouting Joe's name.

"what's up?"

"The boss told you to go to dinner, on the top floor."

"What about her?"

"She went first."

"it is good."

Joe turned and walked here.

Amy carefully followed Joe.

Since Joe was with Luyan, he really lived a life of Jinyiyu.

Outsiders seem to think that it is a small white face raised by Lu Yan.

But Amy knows that this is not the case. Joe's family is extremely large, and he is pampered in the family.

Ever since I followed Lu Yan, I have lived a life without a fixed place.

Even every day, we must face the assassination of the enemy anytime and anywhere. Many times, if there is no Joe, the land smoke will not be so easy to get out.

Said Lu Yan is excellent, it is because I don't know Joe Fei.

Joe's gunfare, fighting, that is cool, Amy has seen Joe Fei many times to kill, clean and neat.

The posture is extremely perfect, gentleman, his cruelty comes entirely from the depths of his heart, the kind of indifference that makes people feel cool.

Such a man, but deeply loves the desperate mother-in-law like Lu Yan, Amy always feels that Lu Yan is not worthy of Joe.

Because she always calls Joe's current person, she simply doesn't deserve his love.

"Joe Shao..." Amy suddenly spoke behind her.

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