My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3245: Men can't share (4)

Joe is stopping...

In the empty corridor, only two of them stood here.

Joe Fei did not answer, he was extremely tired of Amy.

"Joe Shao, this is the time when I was in Japan before, when I was in Japan, Kyoto, Japan, Qingming Shrine asked for peace and happiness, it is a famous Yin Yang master, he will bless you for a healthy and safe life, you bring I will always bless you."

Amy hands up a cute amulet, a red, typical Japanese amulet.

Joe glanced at the faint, but did not pick up.

"What do you mean by this?" Joe asked quietly.

"I... doesn't mean anything?" Amy was a little scared.

She did not talk about love before, and she did not know how to get along with boys.

Lu Yan is not allowed to fall in love with his own people, so she has always kept a distance from the men on her side.

Until the emergence of Joe Fei, let her girl heart, spring heart sprouts.

"So, this amulet, everyone has it?" Joe asked.


"Is there a land smoke?" Joe asked in a straightforward way.

"Boss...and no." Amy bit her lip and said the truth.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Joe sneered.

"Joe Shao, I just hope that you can be safe."

"Amy, the moment you sent me this amulet alone, it is not simple, why bother to do those unnecessary explanations?"


"Okay, enough, I don't know how to use it. I won't accept it. I won't send it in the future. I can see my identity. I have read a lot with you. I haven't happened this thing. Living, if you don't die, you won't die."

After that, Joe Fei continued to move forward and didn't return his head. He didn't look at Amy from beginning to end.

Joe Fei is such a cold person...

If you want to say the category, then he should belong to a category with Rick Qinchu.

If you want to give this category a name, it is estimated that it should be called - high cold.

If you are cold, you will feel shivering...

Amy’s took back the amulet, and she knew that Joe was not the one who was so easy to fix.

But my heart always holds a glimpse of thoughts, and sometimes even dreams, and dreams that Joe is not holding himself gently.

In the dining room

“When are we leaving Brazil?” Joe asked.

"What are you worried about?" Lu Yan looked down at the steak and did not agree.

"It's hot here, and the environment is bad." Joe is not vomiting.

"Antarctic cool, do you want to book a ticket for you?" Lu smoke directly shouted.

"Do you die if you don't lift the bar?" Joe is also drunk, and this woman will never be as gentle as others.

"I won't die, but I will be bored, so... why don't I lift the bar?"

"It’s very strange, this time you didn’t return to China, I thought... you would really like Xiaomian.”

"Less my sister to lure me."

"I am just telling the truth." Joe did not open his hand.

"I just want to have a better life for my sister, so there is still a lot to do."

"For example..." Joe said with a question mark, looking at this delicate but perverted woman.

"You guess..." Lu Yan smiled badly.

"This time, I won't blow up another old Ian?" Qiao Fei thinks that the style of Luyan is so unlikely.

"No, this time you guessed it wrong."

"So, your plan is...?"

"My plan is..." Lu Yan just wanted to speak, then looked at the man standing behind him in a row, his complex complex.

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