My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3249: Men can't share (eight)

"Is your husband, I am very powerful, good health?"

"Go down... your uncle."

Qin Ning really regrets, how did he find such a beast, and people are not all three or five minutes to end?

How has this item been over for more than an hour, although it is also a foreplay, but...

Perhaps it is to see that Qin Ning can't afford it, and finally our Tang dynasty pity and jealous jade, hastily ended.

Both of them were soft on the bed afterwards...

Tang Chuan immediately pulled the quilt and put it on Qin Ning. She was afraid that the air conditioner would blow her belly. This move was really intimate.

Then, before Qin Ning spoke, Tang Chuan posted it and hugged Qin Ning directly.

"Dear, you have slept me, you are responsible for me..."

"Nima..." Qin Ning really didn't know what to say.

Is this usually not the line that women should say? Now, I am so embarrassed.

"You can't start to give up and quit... I will serve you in the future..." Tang Chuan deliberately teased her, and then finished, glaring at her not paying attention, and stealing a kiss on her little mouth.

"Tang Xiaochuan, you don't want to face you."

"Yeah, if you can't be so happy, then I don't want to be a good face every day."

Qin Ning: ...

After the joke, Tang Chuan held Qin Ning, and suddenly felt very satisfied.

This is the happiness he had never had before with any woman.

It feels like I feel so exaggerated in the world.

Including young people with Jin Ying, there is no such sweet feeling. It seems that Qin Ning is really a very important woman for him.

Important, it is worthy of Tangchuan’s life to guard...

"Would you like to get up and take a bath?" Tang Chuan glanced at the sheets under Qin Ning's body.

That piece of red is particularly obvious, but it makes Tang Chuanjue full of gratification.

Qin Ning, such a clean girl in this flamboyant society, may be really hard to find.

The Internet has been jokingly saying that nowadays men want to find a virgin, it is estimated to go to the kindergarten to find.

Tang Chuan has no virgin complex. In fact, for him, Qin Ning is not, and nothing.

After all, she lives in the United States, where life style is more open.

But now that Qin Ning's purity is discovered, he is more careful to cherish her.

Also in my heart, I am silently thanking God for giving him such a precious gift.

"I am a little bit painful... I can't walk the road..." Qin Ning's low voice, soft, is like deliberately spoiled.

Listening to Tang Chuan's heart tickle, if it is not the scruples this chick is the first time, he really seems to come again.

"Then I will take you, I will help you wash...."

After that, not waiting for Qin Ning to speak, Tang Chuan took her whole body from the bed and went to the bathroom.

"Ah... people don't go, you let me down..." Qin Ning shyly shyly, especially embarrassed.

"Nothing, anyway, we have all slept, what are you afraid of..." Tang Chuan did not agree.

Into it, he carefully placed Qin Ning in the bathtub, and then clicked on the heating function.

Warm, especially comfortable, Tang Chuan began to give Qin Ning warm water...

The whole process is quite gentleman, Qin Ning sweetly looked at this handsome man in front of him.

"Tang Xiaochuan."


"Would you like to spend a lifetime with me?" Qin Ning asked seriously.

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