My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3250: Men can't share (9)

"Miss Qin, are you asking me to marry me?" Tang Chuan laughed.

"Less a poor mouth, I will ask you, would you like it?" Qin Ning gave him a look.

"Well, I am willing to sleep with you forever."

"You... hooligan." Seeing that he said so straightforward, Qin Ning is also a little embarrassed, and then don't overdo it.

Tang Chuan helped her to release water while helping her gently apply shower gel.

The taste of roses is in the air, extraordinarily romantic...

"Ningning, do you know? I used to think that my family is so rich and has no life goals. It seems that everything can be owned immediately. Women are the same. They have money, some are right, there are In order to climb up, some want to use my family's resources, some want to marry, some even think that I am growing well, but none of them are true, and Jin Ying is also young and frivolous, after she was injured, I don’t dare to go with a woman."

"So?" Qin Ning smiled and looked at him.

"So I thought, I may not be as lucky as Lao Wei and Qin Chuge. They can be with the women they like. I always feel that I am getting old, listening to family arrangements, or simply looking for a hot, big chest. It’s good to enjoy yourself... until you meet you.”

"It seems that I am still very important to you."

"What is important, is it important? After you appear next to me, suddenly my life has a goal at once. I used to eat, drink, and play."

"Now?" Qin Ning asked with a smile.

"Now I want to marry you and have children."

"After getting married and having children? It’s been a long time, tired of each other, until seven years of itching... We quarreled and changed our minds, derailed..." Qin Ning said.

"No, those things are not absolute. What I think now is that after we get married, we have children, and then a family of three is busy every day, but it is very fulfilling. When you take a vacation, you can fly around the world. We can Go to the United States, take the children to see where you have lived and studied, we can also go to Tahiti, look at the pink sand beach, go to Norway to see the clear lake forest, go to Switzerland to see the Alps, go to Finland to see the beautiful Aurora, you can go to Mongolia to see the endless prairie... With you, with children, it seems that my life is complete at once, and even when I eat and drink, it makes sense."

"Hey, our Tang Dagong, actually turned into a talented person, can you talk like this?"

"These are not from the heart, not the routine."

"Well, the routine is fine, I like your hypocrisy." Qin Ning joked.

"Get out of the way, don't bullshit, people tell you really." Tang Chuan spoiled her little white feet.

"Know know, Don."

"You, after returning to the United States, take care of yourself, remember to eat breakfast, eat less cold, especially the aunt's period."

"I know, but I won't be back for so long. Maybe I have already returned to China during my aunt's time."

"Don't, my aunt's period is still not coming back, saving me the ninja torment, can not see."

"What do you say?" Qin Ning black face.

"Hahaha, I am joking, don't be so serious, okay?" Tang Chuan snickered.

"If I dare to dislike me, I will never come back, hehe."

"If you want to go back, I will be fine. Anyway, I am the same everywhere." Tang Chuan said that the clouds are light.

"Tang Xiaochuan, your mother really does not like people." Qin Ning suddenly thought of the relationship of family members, slightly frowning.

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