My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3252: In this life, I only love him (1)

"Su total, I think you really don't need to be like this... that is Miss Huo's brother..."

"Yes, but Xiaomian only has such a younger brother." Su Yu stressed.

"But Su, don't blame me for speaking directly. I think Qin is also very rich. He will not treat Xiaozizi badly. The last time I saw Zhixin opened is the Maybach that Qin always gave to the new purchase."

"Oh, yes, Qin Chu should have bought him, then what should I send, jewelry, antiques?"

"Su total, Miss Huo did not say that they did not accept the gift? People are so low-key, they have not publicly handled this matter."

"It is my business to not accept it. It is my business to send it or not." Su Yu is willful.

"Amount, that's okay."

Xiao An didn't say anything at the end because he felt that he didn't understand anything with the boss.

Because Su Yu is drinking a lot and has a headache, she has been sitting on the sofa and drinking tea to watch TV.

I can't do it, so I went back to the room and went to bed.

When Zengrou went downstairs an hour later, he found that Su Yu was still on the sofa, but he was already asleep...

"Su Yu..." she screamed.

The people on the sofa did not respond at all.

"Hey, Su Yu, can you hear?" She confirmed again.

Seeing that Su Yu really did not react at all, Zeng Roi dared to go.

She turned out an air-conditioning blanket in the cupboard of the living room, and then carefully put it on Su Yu.

Although it is summer, in the middle of the night, the temperature is still quite low.

When Su Yu drank again, Zeng Ru felt that it might be easy to catch a cold, so he was covered.

Unexpectedly, when Zeng Roi was just about to leave, his hand was caught by Su Yu.

To be more precise, it is to hug.

"You..." Zeng Roi thought that Su Yu woke up and just wanted to speak, but he saw Su Yu stumbled and said, "Small sleep."

When Zeng Rou suddenly got a shock, it really...

Su Yu’s infatuation with Huo Mian is not really blown out. It seems that it is really deep into the bone marrow.

Everyone has two children, and pregnant, he can still remember...

"Sleep you, let me go." Zeng Rou is also a mad stomach, so it is so cheap to be touched by this guy, but he has been mistakenly recognized as someone else, so oh.

"Small sleep... don't go..."

Regardless of what Su Yu said, Zeng Roo is also very angry and funny, and draws his hand directly.

Then she went upstairs wearing her slippers, but she is now more curious about one thing.

What is the sacred woman Huo Mian?

She also checked the information before, and the photos look like the general, very delicate, but can not be said to be a beautiful woman.

With many female stars, female models are far behind.

That color is indeed clear soup noodles, I heard that the family background is also very common, and even a little bit miserable.

But it is such a woman, but let the young president of GK Group love her to heaven.

After marrying and having children, she also let Su Yu be so addicted to her love.

There are even rumors that this woman, Huo Mian, is particularly vicious and can charm men, because she has spent a lot of money to invite the Thai downs.

It’s the same for the men around me.

However, Zeng Ruo felt that this rumor was simply too outrageous, since it would make Su Yu and Qin Chu such a good man love such a desperate woman.

Absolutely not a general generation...

In this way, Zeng Ruo suddenly wants to see Huo Mian’s heart more intense...

At first, it originated from the infatuation of Su Yu, but now I suddenly want to see, this woman named Huo Mian He De can get such a favor?

Late at night, Nanshan Castle

Because of the increase in the month, Huo Mian has more and more times to go to the toilet in the middle of the night.

She got up in a confused way and was surprised to find that Qin Chu was gone.

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