My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3253: In this life, I only love him (2)

"Husband...husband..." Huo Mian shouted twice in the room, but did not get a response.

Huo Mian went to the bathroom first, and then carefully opened the door and went out.

Sure enough, there was a faint light in the study...

"Husband..." Huo Mian gently pushed open the study door.

Qin Chu looked up and seemed a little surprised. Maybe he didn't expect Huo Mian to wake up in the middle of the night.

He didn't work, the computer was closed.

Qin Chu was sitting in a chair with a faint light, and there were still cigarettes in his hand.

"Wife, how come you got up?" Qin Chu said while he was busy, getting up and breaking the cigarette.

"I got up and went to the bathroom and found out that you were gone. Then I came out." Huo Mian pouted and grievances.

Since returning from abroad this time, she has been particularly insecure.

Even when I am worried that Qin Chu is not around me, maybe there is a psychological shadow.

"Nothing, I won't run away..." Qin Chu walked over and took off his jacket and wrapped it on Huoming.

"Husband, I am not cold."

"Oh, draped, you are pregnant now, you can't be sloppy."

"How come you are late, why don't you sleep?" Huo Mian felt that Qin Chu looked very poor and very embarrassed.

"I... there is still some work on hand, not finished in the company."

“Is it in a hurry?”

"Yes, some are anxious, so I have to work overnight."

"That... is it done?"

"Well, I’m done, thinking about taking a cigarette and going back to sleep."

"If I didn't finish it, I will help you." Huo Mian said.

"How can I be willing to use you, my pregnant woman can now be expensive, comparable to the giant panda..." Qin Chu deliberately teased her.

"Cut, I am not a giant panda, the goods are lazy and awkward... I am a hardworking doctor."

"Okay, Dr. Huo, go, we should go back to sleep, staying up late for the baby is not good."


Huo Mian nodded and followed Qin Chu's back to the room.

Turned off the lights twice again, this time, Huo Mian did not fall asleep quickly.

She sneaked her eyes closed but didn't fall asleep, about forty minutes.

She secretly opened her eyes, and through the moonlight, she found that Qin Chu had not fallen asleep.

But this time is already half past two in the morning, and if you don't sleep, the sky will be bright.

Huo Mian did not ask him at the opening, because she felt vaguely, Qin Chu seems to have something to look at her.

Early morning

Qin Chu had breakfast and went to the company, and the twins went to school.

After Hughing packed up, he went out.

"Mr. Shao, where are you going?" The driver and the bodyguard came respectfully.

"I want to go to my friend's house and go to Weijia Villa." Huo Mian said.

"Okay, little lady."

In this way, Huo Mian had agreed to Xiao Wei in the morning and went to Wei Liao's home.

Jiang Xiaowei has been in poor health recently, has been on vacation, and has not been working.

Therefore, only she is at home every day, Wei Liao goes to work, and the children go to school, she is quite a lot of leisure.

Nothing to learn the flower arrangement, the Wei family's villa is very artistic, it is Jiang Xiaowei's original credit.

Huo Mian liked the atmosphere here, and Jiang Xiaowei in the flower garden of the back garden, blowing air conditioning, watching Jiang Xiaowei trim the newly bought flowers.

"Xiao Wei, in fact, I am coming today, there is something to ask you." Huo Mian directly opened.

"Hah, do you still need to use this word between the two, you come less, let's talk." Jiang Xiaowei smiled and saw Huo Mian.

"Xiao Wei, I beg you, tell me, Qin Chu has concealed what I am, you must know right?" Huo Mian asked some heartache.

"Small sleep, what are you talking about?" Jiang Xiaowei looked unnaturally back.

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