My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3255: In this life, I only love him (4)

"Ximian, Qin Chu, he really loves you. He has always been the best side for you. It is also the best for you to see. All the bad things, the evil of the dark are I will bear it myself, such a man, the world is unique, my family Wei Liao also loves me very much, but he can't do the kind of Qin Chu, even a little hurt can not bear to give you, you are really happy."

"Xiao Wei, now you understand, why have you passed so many years, I only love him." Huo Xiao smiled and bit his lips with tears.

"Yes, I have been shaken before. It may be influenced by my family Wei Liao. I feel that Su Yu is also the kind of love that you have no return to, but you have never given him a gentleness. He has always kept with him. Alien distance, even if you are pregnant and have children, thinking that Qin Chu is dead, Su Yu takes care of your mother and daughter for many years, you still refuse to let him close, then we only think that this woman is too cold-blooded, too rational, Not human, now I finally understand that your man is so good, no one in the world loves you more than him."

When Jiang Xiaowei said these words, she also cried. She was a bystander and felt that Qin Hu’s daring for so many years was not easy.

In particular, Qin Chu’s character, which is good at forbearing, has been wronged and has never been mentioned. Many things that I do for Huo Mian do not need Huo Mian to know.

How many men can do this in this world?

Huo Mian picked up a piece of paper towel, wiped her tears gently, and then choked and said, "Su Yu is good to me, I always know, I am not a fool, how can I not know, Su Jia's kindness I remember In my heart, as long as Su Yu needs, I can lose my life, but I will never use my own to be kind, so it is unfair to Qin Chu. At that time, I thought that even if he died, I will not accept others. That is the embarrassment of this relationship. Now it seems that I have been right for so many years. You think that even I myself thought that I have done enough for Qin Chu, but now it seems that these are just The tip of the iceberg is far less than one tenth of his... Xiao Wei, I only love him in this life, I only have him."

"I know." Jiang Xiaowei was red-eyed and slightly moved.

As a good friend, it’s not easy to see them all the way.

How many people have fallen in love from high school, and have been in the past for years, even death can not separate them?

Huo Mian suddenly cried more seriously. When she thought of Qin Daren, she suffered from the psychological obstacles of this paranoid personality in the past four years, and she felt that her heart was like a knife.

It’s so painful that I’m going to suffocate...

"Small sleep, you control the mood, you are a pregnant woman, you should scruple the baby in your stomach." Looking at Huo Mian so excited, Jiang Xiaowei is also worried.

Get up and walk over and tap her back gently.

Huo Mian gripped Jiang Xiaowei's hand tightly, and his wrist was wet with tears.

"Xiao Wei, he can cure this disease?" Huo Mian's voice was swallowed by a few words, showing her sadness.

"Of course, Qin Daren is just because of worrying about you, there is no sense of security, I think you have been with him all the time, for a long time, slowly, he will get better."

"But what can he do if he can't sleep now? I don't sleep all night long. He is getting more and more embarrassed these few days. How can I help him..." Huo Mian couldn't remember that he was a doctor at this moment.

From the doctor's point of view, I think about the problem, but become a real patient's family, and some just worry and heartache.

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