My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3256: In this life, I only love him (5)

"These have to come slowly. You have to know that this operation is very successful. He has already got rid of the drugs that damage the liver." Jiang Xiaowei comforted.

Huo Mian later did not speak, just crying hard.

After half an hour, I slowly calmed down...

"Xiao Wei, I am a little hungry." Huo Mian looked up and said.

"Day, finally, I thought you were the white lady's possession. Do you want to flood the Jinshan?" Jiang Xiaowei joked.

"Dr. Jiang, don't talk nonsense, go find me for food." Huo Mian wiped his tears and joked.

"Good, ancestors, what do you want to eat?"

"Your little ancestors want to eat shrimp dumplings."

"Hey, Cantonese cuisine... It’s hard to do it... Ok, well, I let my cook prepare, wait patiently."

Later, Jiang Xiaowei told the chef at home to start preparing for lunch.

Then I was afraid that Hung Mian was hungry, washed a lot of fruit, and took out a pudding from the refrigerator.

"This is a bit cold, you are slowly eating."

"I don't know why, I have thought of my eldest daughter every time I eat a baby, so I haven't eaten the pudding for a long time."

"Do not eat and bring me to eat." Jiang Xiaowei just want to snatch.

"No, I can eat one with my pudding." Huo Mian, like a child, smiles and hides the pudding in his arms.

Both of them are highly intelligent, and after venting, they have not mentioned anything else.

About Qin Chu, about paranoid personality disorder.

After Jiang Xiaowei’s meal, Huo Mian left by car.

Before leaving, Jiang Xiaowei still glared at her shoulder and said in her ear. "I am authoritative in this respect. When I feel uncomfortable, I can communicate with me at any time. Don't be alone."

"I know." Huo Mian nodded, and said goodbye to Jiang Xiaowei, he left the Wei family villa.

"Little lady, are we going home?"

"No, let's go to the company." Huo Mian was sitting in the car and commanding.


After half an hour

GK Group President's Office

Qin Chu opened the meeting and calmly went to the office.

The subordinates behind him are anxious.

"Qin, I have been planning this program for a long time. Can you give me a chance to try it?"

"Your chance has been missed." Qin Chu's voice is very cold.

"I didn't expect things to become like this. The partners were also the first to put pigeons on the other side. Maybe there was something out there. Our department worked overtime for three months to plan this complete plan. ""

"You don't have to say it again. This is the end of the matter. I don't care whether it's a partner's problem or your problem. In short, I don't see the results I am satisfied with. I have given you the opportunity. That's the way it is."

With a click, Qin Chu closed the glass door of the office.

Isolating the man outside the door.

After the man hit the wall, his face was lost, and he finally went away at the door for a while.

After Qin Chu came in, the pressure was always low.

He loosened the tie, then sat in the office chair, using his right thumb and middle finger, pressing his temples on either side.

In fact, there are a lot of things to do every day, but only when sleep is getting worse and worse, it will lead to some mental exhaustion.

I used to sleep all night and night, and now when Huo Mian comes back, he can sometimes sleep for an hour or so. This is a big improvement.

But a normal person always has a bad rest, and the brain and heart can't stand it.

The mental state of the whole person is not very good.

Qin Chu closed his eyes and was pondering the company's new project. He had a gentle hand and stretched out his hand.

Put it on his shoulder and help him massage.

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