My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3259: In this life, I only love him (eight)

"Well, it’s almost the same."

"This time you and your brother-in-law gave me a lot of money."

"Yes." Homonia nodded.

"I feel like I am really a rice worm. I have been relying on my sister and brother-in-law since graduation."

"So you don't rely on us, you have to rely on outsiders? Do people rely on you?"

"Sister, you are not good at chatting."

"Nothing, Zhixin, you will work for GK for free in the future. If you don't pay, you can repay our team's kindness." Huo Mian said.

"Sister, you are so dark." Zhixin is not hungry.

"Less listen to your sister, your sister teased you..." Qin Chu said.

"I know, brother-in-law, I didn't take it seriously."

"I mean, your salary is paid, and then the money that has been spent on you for these years is slowly returned to us." Qin Chu said seriously.


Xiao Yang lowered his head and ate fish balls, and could not help but laugh.

Even if you don't pay attention, you will bite a peeing cow and spray yourself a soup.

"We talked to Zhixin, you are excited, do you want to be like him?" Huo Yin glanced at Xiao Yang.

"Cough, I don't know anything, I didn't hear anything."

A meal was eaten in the process of harmonious atmosphere.

Huo Mian is also preparing to go downstairs to go home.

When going downstairs, Zhixin took an elevator with her.

By the time of the 19th floor, Bella was busy.

There are only two sisters in the elevator.



"Su Yuge called me yesterday."


"He asked me what kind of gift I wanted to get engaged, and said that I would give me a car."

"What do you say?" Huo Mian asked casually.

"I definitely can't ask, Su Yuge is your friend, not so familiar with me, I am not so big face, then, my brother-in-law gave me Maybach, I can't."

"Well, then the euphemistic rejection is good."

"I refused, but Su Yuge's attitude seems to insist on sending something, not to send the car, but also to bid farewell. Didn't you tell him, don't we accept the gift?" Zhixin asked.

"I said that."

"Then he still..." Zhixin said here, no longer said, just looked at his sister and found that Huo Mian looks a bit complicated.

"I will handle this matter."

"it is good."

"I'm leaving."

"Sister, you are careful, you have a big belly, go back and forth, but be careful."

"I know."

Huo Mian nodded, came out, and wanted to go home, but after she had just listened to Zhixin, she felt it necessary to meet Su Yu.

After all, there are some words, and I still don’t understand it in WeChat. If you don’t, Su Yu is sad.

"Let's go to the Star Emperor." After getting in the car, Huo Mian said.

"Okay, ma'am."

When Hun Mian went to the Star Emperor, he happened to meet Zeng Rou.

She is not actually looking for Su Yu, she is to see the star of the star.

But Zeng Luo recognized Huo Mian at a glance.

So I followed the elevator.

"You are Huo Mian?" Zeng Ruo suddenly asked.

Huo Mian faintly swept the girl around her.


"Do you know who I am?"

"Zeng Rou," said Huo Mian.

" know me?" Zeng Rou was a little dumbfounded. He thought that Huo Mian didn't know who he was.

"I have seen your Weibo." Huo Mian said.

"You have also paid attention to my Weibo."

"No attention, just when the troubles of the previous troubles, my daughter showed me your photos." Huo Mian is very calm.

"It turned out to be the case, then are you looking for Su Yu?"


"That... I can ask you for a cup of coffee before you go to see him?" Zeng Rou's invitation.

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