My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3260: In this life, I only love him (9)

"But I don't think we have anything to talk about." Huo Mian has never had a good impression on this woman who loves Su Yu.

Previously, there was Zhao Qingya, Jane, who had always been a woman who had a disagreement with Su Yu.

What Huo Mian likes most is the sister of Xixi, but unfortunately Su Yu does not like it.

The emotional things are barely coming, although Huo Jin really hopes that Su Yu also has a good girl to be with him.

But in the end, it depends on the meaning of Su Yu himself.

So in the face of the invitation of this girl named Zeng Rou, Huo Mian refused for the first time with some indifference.

Because she didn't want to experience the same nutritious conversation as before.

"Well, it seems that you are very hostile to me." Zeng said.

"You misunderstood, Miss Zeng, I am not familiar with you, I don't know about you, how can there be hostility?"

"Why don't you dare to go out for coffee with me?" Zeng soft asked.

"That's because we are not familiar with each other."

"But just because you are unfamiliar, you have to drink coffee to get acquainted with each other."

"If you are like this, it is better to say your purpose directly. What is this time? I want to warn me to stay away from Su Yu, or to show me that you are Su Yu’s girlfriend."

"It seems that you have classified me and those women into one class?" Zeng said with a smile.

"Isn't it?" Huo Jin calmly looked at the woman in front of her, telling the truth, she really didn't understand, and didn't want to do much.

"Huo Mian, I am different from the women before. You can completely remove the defense. I am not hostile to you. I admit that I am interested in Su Yu, but I know that Su Yu likes you, it is his business, and It’s not your business. It’s useless to find you with you. I just want to...Learn about him about you. Please, so I invite you to drink coffee. I really want you to do me a favor, even though this requirement. Some shameless, you can also refuse, but I think that now you have a happy life, a happy family, and naturally hope that your good friend Su Yu is also happy, isn't it?"

Zeng Rou’s words made Huo Mian have to re-examine her.

This girl is not at all simple, very intelligent, where is the same as saying on the Internet, will only hype the garbage woman without the bottom line?

This is not the case at all. Just now, there is too much mystery in it.

Huo Mian is really unable to refuse. If he refuses, he seems to be happy, but he can’t see Su Yu’s happiness.

For a long while, Huo Mian smiled.

"Miss Zeng, you are very smart."

"No, compared with you, I am still not enough. I don't want to play any tricks. It just shows my intentions, but I am definitely different from those women. I will not bring you troubles and troubles. Please give me An opportunity, even if you don't want to be friends with me." Zeng Roo said very sincerely.

It seems that I have done a lot of homework before, and I know about what kind of woman is Huo Mian.

Therefore, in front of Huo Mian, if you play the game, it will be equal to the class door.

In the end, Huo Mian nodded and agreed.

It’s only from Zeng Rou’s sentence – you are so happy now, and you want your good friend Su Yu happiness?

Yes, Huo Mian wants the happiness that Su Yu can live than anyone else.

Such a good and good man should have his own happiness.

Therefore, Huo Mian did not give Zeng Rou a chance to give Su Yu a chance.

Seeing that Huo Mian nodded and agreed, Zeng Rou smiled.

Just on a commercial street behind the Star King, the two sat in the coffee shop.

"Miss, what do you need?" the waiter asked politely.

"Give me a cup of Blue Mountain Coffee and give her a cup of warm water." Zeng said.

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