My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3276: Simple and rude is Luyan (5)

"This will not be able to stand up, my sister has not zoomed in?" Douding looked disdainful.

Tang Chuan took a look at the pudding, "Pudding, usually, Tang Dashu is not thin to you..."

"I know." Pudding said calmly.

"So... you won't be like me to your unconscionable sister?"

"Well." Pudding nodded.

"This is my good niece..."

"So I am so loyal, when everyone is down the stone, there is no knife... Don Uncle, how are you going to return me?" Pudding continued to ask.

"Amount..." Tang Chuan suddenly had a bad feeling.

“So Tang Dashu’s family has a limited edition tea set, can you give it to me?”

"Which set of tea sets?" Tang Chuan deliberately stupid.

"It was Tang Dashu who came back to Country C and brought back the set. If the price is high, I will be embarrassed."

"That is not very expensive, but it is hard to find a heavy machine..." Tang Chuan was crying.

"So I am so loyal, Tang Dashu still reluctant to correct?" Pudding deliberately asked.


"I can pay Tang Uncle..."

"No need, talk about money...."

"That said, I agreed to send it to me? Thank you, Uncle Tang..." Pudding said happily.

"Okay, okay... little devil, you won, although you didn't fall into the rocks, but you blackmailed me a set of tea sets... It's better to go down the stone... I am destined, Ningning, come back soon, I To be killed by these bad silver..." Tang Chuan spoke to Qin Ning, who had been watching the video on the phone.

"It's okay, hey, I will go back soon... You too, give me a set of tea sets and grinds the puddings... 抠 。." Qin Ning said.

"Where, I still have a trick, you still have no conscience... I just think that it is not a good thing to do, it is not a question of money."

"Then you always say that we are a family, can't it be fake?" Qin Ning asked.

"Of course not, so I look at your face, and give it..." Tang Chuan really cried.

Everyone has a laughter for a meal, and Tang Chuan, the most favorite of the most beautiful show, is being disabled today.

It is a revenge for the millennium bachelor Su Ye...

The pudding also blackmailed a set of tea sets.

In this way, Zhixin’s engagement banquet ended in laughter, it was really low-key, and the media did not arrive.

In the whole process, two people were very low-key and did not sit with everyone.

These two people are Shen Mingxi and Wei Ying.

The two of them sat at other tables, and the two had different tables, but they simply greeted each other.

At the end of the dinner, Wei Ying went out, Shen Mingxi saw that she was in a friend's car, and then went up and asked, "You didn't drive?"

"No, my foot was hurt..." Wei Ying smiled.

"What's wrong?" Shen Mingxi immediately bowed his head and noticed Wei Ying's feet.

"Playing badminton the day before yesterday, screaming... very painful, I didn't dare to drive, afraid of being unsafe."

"How are you so careless?" Shen Mingxi was sullen, a little bit blaming.

"I didn't pay attention to it at the time, I didn't expect it to hurt."

"Have you seen the hospital?"

"I have seen it, I have prescribed medicine, and I have been hot. It is estimated that I have to stay for a while."

"An old Chinese doctor who my mom often visits is said to be very powerful. I will ask you about it later. You can go and see it. This is not a trivial matter... don't be sloppy."

"I know, thank you Mingxi."

"Then I will send you back. You are like this. It is not easy to get on and off the bus. I am just driving Mercedes-Benz today." All know that Mercedes-Benz has a high level of comfort. Shen Mingxi pointed to his car.

Wei Yingang wanted to speak, and he heard someone shouting not far behind him, "Ying Ying."

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