My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3277: Simple and rude is Luyan (six)

"Brother..." Wei Ying looked back and saw Wei Liao and Jiang Xiaowei also came out.

"Go, come home with us."


Wei Ying nodded, then turned and looked at Shen Mingxi with some apologies.

"Ming Xie Ge, then you don't have to send me, I took my brother and left, just off the road."

"Okay, then go back and have a rest."

"Ok. You too."

Subsequently, Wei Ying turned and left.

Shen Mingxi’s heart has some loss.

After Wei Jing’s Wei Ying chased his ass, he was too lazy to take a look.

Today's Wei Ying, it is not the stupid gimmick of the year, has done a good job of speaking and doing things.

The word of mouth in the circle of ladies and gentlemen is getting better and better, but it is not easy for Shen Mingxi to want to see her.

After Wei Ying got on the bus, it was not enough. Wei Liao colded his face. "How many times have you said, don't have a little connection with that person."

"Brother, we just said something, say hello, don't be excited."

"Can I not be excited? You were so shameful before, those I can remember..."

"Well, Yingying, isn't this coming back? Don't say a few words..." Jiang Xiaowei couldn't listen to her husband and reprimanded her sister, and immediately helped her to talk.

"Dad, don't say your aunt, she is very obedient now." Wei Yunchu also helped.

"Sure enough, my relatives ...." Wei Ying smiled and touched Wei Yunchu's head.

"Of course, my aunt is completely different from before. Today, the pudding also told me that the relationship between my aunt and Shen Shushu is... use a network of words to describe it, that sentence should be called, before you loved me. Ignore, I can't afford you now."

"Hey... is this what the pudding told you?" Wei Ying laughed.

"Yeah, the pudding is amazing, I know everything, and I have made a lot of money by own stocks... Mommy, I think, I have to catch up quickly, otherwise we will open the gap sooner or later, there is no common topic. Not at one level, by then, we are not all the way."

"Ha ha ha, Wei Liao, you listen to what your son said..." Jiang Xiaowei smiled.

"The son is not all taught by you, and the daughter-in-law is also set by you." Wei Liao is also happy.

"Yes, the pudding boy, definitely can't be wrong, so we must also train our son to be excellent...not too good, just like his father-in-law Qin Chu."

"Cough... 嫂子, this is not good, your ambitions are too big, will not be embarrassed to my nephew?" Wei Liao asked.

"No, this kid looks at the puddings himself. What the pudding does, he is interested, and he is particularly motivated." Jiang Xiaowei looked at his son with pride.

A famous five-star hotel in Brazil

When Lu Yan opened the door, he saw Amy plugging things into Joe's hand.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yan colded his face.

"Boss... you... are you out of the task?" Amy twitched back, but things were still in Joe's hands.

"Oh, it seems that I am not coming back." Lu Yan sneered.

"No... I... didn't mean that." Amy is still trying to explain.

Joe did not say a word, and he still held the thing that Amy had just died from the Pistons. He didn't look carefully at what it was.

It was Luyan, and he walked over in a few steps. He yanked things from Joe's hand and took them in his own hands.

"Oh, sachet? Good... two people are very leisurely." Lu Yan smiled contemptuously.

It was a hand-stitched sachet, very retro, big red, embroidered with peace, while embroidering Joe.

This is a little girl's sentiment to the sweetheart...

"Joe, are you amazing?" Lu Yan turned his head and looked at Qiao Fei, some disappointing openings.

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