My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3278: Simple and rude is Luyan (seven)

"What is the relationship with me?" Joe is as calm as ever.

"Like a sachet?" Lu Yan continued to ask.


"Don't like you?"

"She gave me a hard fortress..."

"If you have something to push on a woman, you have nothing wrong with it. Don't tell me, for a long time, you can't see Amy interested in you?"

Qiao Fei: ...

"Boss, I..."

"You shut me up." Lu smoke stunned Amy's eyes, that means, we both talk, you talk less.

Amy would bow her head and dare not speak again.

"Knowing what, she likes who is her thing, who I like, is it my thing?" Joe was not calmly replied.

"Oh, is it, who do you like?" Lu Yan asked him.

"What do you say?"

"How do I know?" Lu Yan said with no anger.

"Lu Yan, do you have any conscience?" Joe Fei seems to be disappointed.

"Hey, now carrying the person I stole, even the wicked first complained that I have no conscience. Qiao Fei, do your family like to splash dirty water on others? This pot, the old lady does not back... Lu smoke is annoyed.

"Our family? You take me, look like them?" Joe Fei seems to be a little sad.

Joe's family has always been in love, whether it is the boss of the desert, the second child, Joanna, or the third child.

It is rare to find a warm feeling in them.

However, Qiao Fei thinks that there is still a difference between them and Big Brother II. Qiao Nan is a slap in the face.

"Is it not? You are not surnamed Joe?"

"I thought that I was out of the family. After coming out with you, you would be grateful to me. It seems... I missed more." Qiao Fei said.

"Grateful? What kind of joke, you eat me, drink me, use me, I have to thank you, I am spending more money? Then I lost water, I can still hear a voice, not to So big head?" Lu Yan sneered.

"Smoke, are you serious? Are you kidding?"

"Now the problem is that I want to be serious, but what about you? Carry me out and go out with my female hands here?" Lu Yan said.

"I don't have an eyebrow to..."

"What are you doing, why is the sachet still in your hands?" Lu Yan tangled.

At this time, Amy slammed on the side and slammed into the front of the smoke.

"Boss, I am sorry, I can't control it. I like Joe in my heart. It doesn't matter to him. He doesn't know these... The sachet is my embroidered for a long time. I want Joe to wear it on the body." Peace, I know that you are the Lord, I am a servant, and I dare not do too much extravagance and fantasy. So, boss, you punish me, it’s really not a matter of Joe." Amy lowered her head and was tearful. Repent of Lu Yan.

"So you still deliberately want to be alone, is it?" Lu Yan asked.

"It was my fault. I didn't want to influence the feelings of the boss and Joe Shao because of my men."

"Are you saying that this is useful now, have you already affected?" Lu Yan took out a pistol and directed at Amy's head.

The other few men are also scared enough.

"Boss, don't be impulsive..."

"You are all going away... my own things are handled by myself." Lu Yan was so stunned.

The other few immediately went out and rolled out, and the room was left with only Lu smoke, Joe Fei and Amy.

"Amy, who gave you the courage to dig my corner, grab my man?" Lu Yan eyes staring at her coldly.

It seems that as soon as Lu Yan gently twitches the trigger, Amy will suddenly disappear.

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