My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3279: Simple and rude is Luyan (eight)

"Boss, I don't like anyone who can control it. Joe is so good... but sometimes you always call him to drink, just like your own, not as good as your boyfriend, I really feel less for Joe. Wronged."

"Grievance? Who do you think you are?"

"I know my qualifications, but I want to say that you are young, and you don't think too much money and rights or war in your mind. Those are all things outside. It is not easy for a person to meet a favorite person in his life. Once you miss it, you will never have it again. I hope that the boss will cherish Qiao Shao."

"Use what you say?"

"Boss, you do it, I know that you will definitely kill me, because your character is so, you can't listen to other people's advice, but you still want to say something, you can not listen to other people's words, but Joe If you have less, you have to listen, he really loves you."

"Amy, you give me a shut up, my things don't need you to say." Joe Fei also seems to feel that his heart is saying from a female hand, this feeling is weird.

"Joe Shao, I am just holding you up... I want to tell the boss how much you love him."

"If she can't feel it, you say it is useless for a hundred times." Qiao Shao blamed Amy.

"One sing and one is good... then what do you mean, I am a good fight?" Lu Yan continued to laugh with ridicule.

"Smoke, don't you mess around?"

"I am noisy? You two of them are carrying me on these shameless things, now I am talking about it?"

"What happened to us? Are you caught in bed?" Qiao Fei was also angry. Lu Yan was betrayed.

It’s a filthy person...

"Catch the **** in bed? Fuck... You think that if I really raped the bed, can you still live to the present? Isn't it a dead body?" Lu smoke was mad.

"There is nothing big about this matter. Why do you have to make a fuss, and then say, Xiaoyan, when did you start... I am not confident about myself? I feel that I can't compare with one of your subordinates?" Joe is not faint Looking at her.

"Oh, yeah, Joe Fei, between us... When did it become like this? If it was before, Amy’s thoughts on you, you will have to confess to me, but in Australia all the way to Brazil, Ai I have been very diligent about you for a few times, but you didn't mention a word with me. Why? Want to play with me on my back? I don't sleep for you, you can't physically get it? Is it Brazil? There are a lot of women, there are also supermodels, there are stars, you want me to buy you a hundred... But... why do you want to touch me, rabbits don’t eat grass?"

"I clarify again, I have not touched you, your people have been approaching me." Joe is also helpless.

"The idea that you don't explicitly refuse is to give her hope, isn't it? You let Amy think she is hopeful, isn't she?"

"You look at me like this? We have been together for so long, have you lost this trust? Lu Yan, you are sad."

"Yeah, I am so sad, why did you believe that you were deeply in love with me..."

"So you just overthrow everything between us because of this little thing?"

"Now, there is no point in saying this, Joe Fei, give you a chance to explain... Come, kill Amy in front of me, and the misunderstanding between us is over."

Lu Yan suddenly threw the pistol in his hand to Joe Fei, and then said one word at a time.

After Joe got the pistol, he looked at the smoke in a complicated way...

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