My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3280: Simple and rude is Luyan (9)

"I don't understand, what is the relationship between the two of us, what is the relationship between killing Amy?"

"Because everything is up for her." Lu Yan said.

"But even without her, there are still many problems between us, but you can't see it clearly." Joe's faint opening.

"So what do you mean... say me?" Luyan exploded.

"I did not say."

"Joe, who gave you the courage, huh? Are you yelling at you like Laozi, so you have to go to heaven?" Lu smoked.

"Then there is no." No matter how angry Lu Yan is, Joe is still a light and bleak look, which is the most unbearable point of Luyan.

"Do not talk nonsense, kill or kill?"

"If you kill you, forgive me... don't forgive me if you don't kill you?" Joe Fei looked up at Luyan, which seemed to be a question.

"What do you say?" Lu Yan's tone and attitude are already quite bad.

"If I kill, will you marry me?" Joe asked her.

"What does this have to do with marrying or marrying? You killed her, I can believe that you are not because of this woman, it has a must for me." Lu Yan stressed.

"So even if it is killed, there will be no further development between you and me, is it?"

"What development do you want?" Lu Yan stared quietly at the eyes of the toll.

"Forget it, when I didn't say it."

"So what are you doing now?" Lu Yan looked at Joe's holding a pistol, but he didn't mean to do it.

"I don't kill, I don't want to kill people, I don't want to kill innocent people. Amy and I have nothing. It seems that I am narrow-minded when I kill." Qiao Fei said.

"You are so fart." Lu Yan is simply unbearable and directly swears.

"If you don't believe it, I will say it is unintentional."

"So you decided to break with me, and you won't kill this woman, are you?" Lu smoked angrily at Amy's head.

"I don't want to break with you, I don't want to kill."

"Joe, do you think who you are, the sun? The earth will turn around you... If you don't kill, you will give me a roll, and I won't let you."

When Amy heard it, she immediately grabbed Joe's pistol and pointed at her head.

"Joe Shao, it's all my fault, please don't quarrel with the boss, I am dead, I am dead, everything is fine..."

When she finished, she had to pull the trigger.

Lu Yan’s attitude was cold. Qiao Fei did not know when he had a small stone in his hand. He shot her gun at the moment Amy shot.

"Don't be stupid, the problem of our two is not a problem of death or death. Even if you die a hundred times, it will not solve the contradiction between me and her." Qiao Fei said.

"Oh, someone is distressed... Heroes save the beauty?" Lu Yan sneered.

"You have to say this, I don't explain it... tired."

"You are less here to play with me."

"Smoke, think about Xiaomian sister and brother-in-law. They both experienced so much. The reason why they can still be together is mutual trust. Let's take a look at both of us... You keep saying good to me, but when are you unconditional? Believe me?"

"I believe that your premise is that you will not do things that betray me, not you and my female hand under the darkness of Chen Cang?" Lu smoked a bad road.

"I said, I don't."

"But I don't believe it." Lu Yan continued to swear.

"Oh, look, so no matter how I do it, you know that I have done something sorry for you. If so... what is the point?"

"So what do you mean, you want to break up?" Lu Yan was cold.

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