My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3284: Not confession, lifelong regret (3)

"The situation is not like this, sister, I have inquired about it, that woman is not the real girlfriend of Su."

"What?" Nie Lingyi gave a slight glimpse.

"Zeng Rou was arranged by the Su family to Su, but he lived here temporarily, but it was not what Su liked."

"How do you know that it is not what Su always likes? Maybe it is the type that Su’s likes may be." Nie Ling whispered.

"Because Su Yu likes Xiaomian sister." Xixi said with arrogance.

Nie Ling bite his lip and just want to say something but he can't refute it. The sister said it is also true. Su Yu likes to sleep, is a thing that the whole world knows.

"Su always likes Xiaomian sister, and will not change his mind easily. If he doesn't like you, he will not like other people naturally... So sister, that Zeng Rou is not an opponent. The problem is that you simply don't have any If you are good, you will be confessed to Su, and you are sure that you will give up like this?"

"I..." Nie Ling sighed and stopped.

"Sister, I will ask you, now let you go to a blind date, or go to a boyfriend, would you like it?"

Nie Lingqi shook his head.

"You still have Su Yu in your heart, are you?"

Nie Lingyi hesitated, then nodded.

"That won't be there, it's like this, you still have something to do with it... Sister, if you continue to secretly fall in love, there will be no result. God will not let you take the initiative to find you because of sympathy for you. It is impossible to love you, it is impossible, and your own happiness is all for yourself. Even if it is so good, she has been painstakingly managing her own marriage and love, can either give up now. I completely forgot Su Yu, find a boyfriend, have a good time, or... just go out and fight, and try to talk to him. The worst result is to be rejected, not to lose your head."

"But... In case my confession is rejected, how can I face Su Zong in the future? Will he become very annoying to me?"

"You see, you are just unassuming, I think too much, so over the years, I have been so arrogant. When you entered the Star Emperor, you were a trainee, even earlier than Zhao Qingya Marshmallow, but You see that everyone is famous, how old you are, only to become famous... This is no problem, you are the same in love, but don't blame me for not reminding you, this kind of thing, if you are still hesitant, Maybe Su Yu’s wife and children are all there....”

Nie Lingwei: ...

"Sister, life is actually not for decades. There are some things you don't do now. If you are old, you will have no chance, and you will regret it. If you want to do something, you will do it. If you are not successful, you will not succeed. Difficult." Xixi bitterly persuaded her sister, do not want her to continue to make a steamed buns.

"Xisi, you are right."

"Sister, I am not brainwashing you. I just want to say that we never know which ones come from life and accidents. People are actually very fragile. You don't say it now. Maybe you have no chance to say it later. You like Su Yu. For so long, let him know, it’s not too much?”

"Yes, I am too courageous, so I always let people go first. If I declare it first, maybe Zeng Rou can not live in it... Xixi, this time I listen to you, I decided... give it a try. "With the help of her sister, Nie Lingqi seems to have come with confidence."

"So let's say, I didn't think about anything. Go back and have a good night's sleep, and express your understanding of Su Yu. Think about it."


After the sisters separated, Cassie returned to the car.

"Your sister is okay?" Rick asked.

"Nothing, she is a devil to Su Yu... I asked him to confess and try."

"Is this not good?" Rick looked at Cassie and didn't seem to agree with her.

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