My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3285: Not confession, life regret (4)

"Why do you say that?" Sisina looked at Rick.

"I think that Su Yu is not suitable for looking for a woman," Rick said.

"Oh... Dear, haha, don't you think that Su Yu is a homosexual?"

"No, I didn't think so."

"What do you mean by that?" I rarely heard of Rick Gossip, so now I listen to him to take the initiative to mention Su Yu, and Xixi feels quite interested and wants to continue to ask.

"I mean, Su Yu is too persistent with Huo Mian. No woman can walk into his heart. Why bother to provoke people?"

"Who said, you did not see Su Yu this time to bring a female companion?" Xixi dissatisfied.

"But he doesn't love that woman." Rick calmly rebutted.

"Whether love or not love, it is a female companion. How long do you know that it is not Su Yu like it? Su Yu is like Xiaomian sister, but Xiaomian sister has a family, a beloved husband. There are children, and now I have a second child in my stomach. Su Yu likes it. This kind of love can only be he always has to have his own home. My sister is also a dead-hearted, secret love. Su Yu has been for a long time, but it has been shown before, but Su Yu did not respond... This is not, this time I saw Su Yu has a girlfriend, my heart is particularly uncomfortable, and I am as bad as I was born with a serious illness. I mean, it is speed. The speed is decided, the confession, the success is better, the unsuccessful will break the thoughts, Su Yu said that the point of the words, my sister's glass heart, it is estimated that it is completely heartbreaking, broken thoughts, always better than this I am thinking about it in my heart."

"You think so, right, then give it a try, but I don't think it is hopeful," Rick said.

"Try it, if Su Yu was confused at the time, accept my sister at once?" Xixi was optimistic.

"I hope so."

Rick then drove slowly with the West.

Nanshan Castle

At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Huo Mian still reads a book in bed.

"What are you looking at?" Qin Chu came out after a shower and kissed Huoming's forehead.

"Cangyang Gyatso." Huo Mian laughed.

"Hey, our family, Dr. Huo, is now so literary, don't look at medical theory, and change the Buddhist monarchy of Buddhism?"

"Yes, I said that the sentence he wrote is very beautiful."

"What do you think?" Qin Chu petted her and asked.

"It's really beautiful."

"Which sentence do you like? Is it the most famous one that has thought about hurting the Vatican? If you enter the mountain, don't be afraid to fall into the city, and you will have two laws in the world, and you will not be able to live up to it?"

"Wow, husband, the first time I heard you such a serious poetry." Huo Mian raised his head and stared at Qin Chu's neck.

"Your husband, I will have more... Do you want to try other?" Qin Daren’s hand fell all the way, and touched it.

Huo Mian immediately covered his chest with his hands...

"No rogue, your son is watching you..." Huo Mian said with a smile.

"Nothing, I just showed it to my son, let him learn something, and later the sister can go well..." Qin Daren said that he was still shamelessly pinched on someone.

"Hah, how can you educate your son..." Huo Mian was speechless.

"Nothing, my Qin Chu's son wants to be free-range. We don't need to limit him. Free development is better, just like his two sisters."

"That's still a problem, his two sisters are not limited, they must be refined ... or a little better." Huo Mian thought that the two daughters are also a headache.

"Wife, the topic is far away, you haven't told me, which one do you like the most?" Qin Chu took the book from Huo Mian's hand and looked at the beautiful poem inside.

"Guess, give you a chance, we gamble 50,000 pieces of good cut." Huo Mian played a big heart, smirked and pillowed on Qin Chu shoulder.

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