My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3290: Not confession, lifelong regret (9)

"Su total...I..." Nie Lingqi supported the branch.

Su Yu:?

"Su total, I... I like you." Nie Ling stunned, closed his eyes and said this sentence completely.

Su Yu squirted a cola and got a skirt from Nie Ling.

Xiao An also almost spread out in the room... Fortunately, both hands were holding the window sill.

"Wow, oh wow... it’s confession..." Zeng soft sighed with both hands.

"It’s too bloody...." Xiao’an didn’t seem to think that he was too courageous at ordinary times, but Nie Lingjun’s promised to face the boss with his face.

"Su Yu's heart must be very exciting at this time, ha... I want to ask him, surprise or surprise? Is it unexpected?" Zeng Ru snickered.

"Surprise surprise, I don't know, but the shock is absolutely there. You see our boss, Coke spit...." Xiao An looked over there.

"Cough and cough..." Not only did the cola spray, Su Yu was almost picked up.

So he coughed up fiercely, and Nie Lingqi quickly came over and saw him behind.

"Su, are you all right?"

" are inside... Don't touch me, stay away from me...ha." Su Yu said stutteringly.

Nie Lingqi immediately stood up to three meters away from his interest.

Looking at the skirt that was sprayed by himself, Su Yu quickly opened the subject. "Sorry, your skirt has been stained by me. Go in and change it. There must be clean clothes in Zengrou."

"Not in a hurry, it doesn't matter." Nie Lingqi is rare and calm.

Su Yu did not know what to say.

"Su, you can listen to me first. I have been thinking about it for a long time. Some words, I don’t want to say it now. I don’t think there will be any chance in the future... although I know that it may be too late, it may be too late. You already have Miss Zengrou as a girlfriend, but I still want to tell you about my heart, otherwise I am afraid that I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Cough... You say it." Su Yu looked at the girl. This is an iron heart to confess, and it is not a topic.

It’s just that he has a hard time bowing his head.

Before those women wanted to approach themselves, they were all ****, or WeChat said it was very embarrassing, very explicit.

Where is Nie Lingqi’s confession, what age? Will such confession be sent out and laughed at the big teeth?

But Su Yu will not laugh at her, because Su Yu knows that he was blunt with Huo Mian, and it is so straightforward and candid.

So even if you don’t want to be in your heart, you can’t trample on the girl’s heart.

"Su total, I like you, and it has been a long time... I have never talked about love, I didn't know how I liked a person until I met you... I have been in the Stars for several years, I have been not warm. Not fire, when I entered the Star Emperor, it was because I heard that you are very powerful. No one dares to maliciously sneak our rules on female artists. Later, when I came in, I found out that it was indeed the case, so I have been safely staying in the Star Emperor. Be your favorite actor. Remember that year... It’s Mid-Autumn Festival, you bought a lot of mooncakes, and sent it to everyone, and each person sent a red envelope. When it was sent to me, it’s just that the red envelope is not enough, you will directly from yourself. In the wallet, I took out three thousand pieces for me... The sincere smile made me feel moved for a while... People who don’t understand you outside say that you are a rich second generation, red three generations, squatting Family power, do whatever you want, eat, drink, and play, but I know that you are not... you have a kind heart, you are never bullying, some employees are being bullied, you will immediately go back and seek justice, you are a good boss... ""

"Cough, inside, thank you for complimenting, I should do what I want." Su Yuxi responded, how did he suddenly feel that he had a halo on his body?

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