My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3291: Not confession, life regret (10)

Nie Lingqi then went on to say, "I started out as a little actor. There are not many opportunities to contact you, but you haven’t looked down on me because I am a small actor... and it’s appropriate to promote us to the company for several years. But it has not been red, so I have the opportunity to make a living... In the past few years, the company has been waiting for me. You are also taking care of me. You and I meet every time. Every time you say it, you are profound. Printed in my mind, when I get home at night, I will remember it for a long time..."

Su Yu heard some slight blush here.

"In the beginning, I thought I was just appreciating... I gradually discovered that it was not like that... At the beginning, you liked Dr. Huomian, and the wind and the wind, some people laughed at you, someone yelled at you, someone secretly yelled at you, someone yelled at you... ...and I am distressed by you, because Dr. Huoming has a loved one, she can't give you any response, so you love it very hard these years..."

"These are all gone, Dr. my best friend." Su Yu said deceiving himself.

"I know, so I was thinking, I want to tell you, maybe you can give me a chance... Su, I really like you, I like it for a few years, I didn’t take long to come to the Star Emperor. I am fascinated by you. The difference is that I am different from those women. I don’t want money for fame and fortune. I don’t want to climb the big tree of Sujia and let myself enjoy the cold. I just like you, Mr. Su, really. You, even if one day you are not the president of our star emperor, not the grandfather of the Su family... I will be willing to be with you, by your side... just like all the couples under the heavens, we have the most Ordinary life, I will give you laundry and cooking, we talk about home, we spit life, we talk about ideals, talk about the future..."

Nie Lingqi, this girl, is actually quite good at eloquence, but sometimes her personality is too introverted and very shy, so she rarely says so much.

Su Yu did not know, it turned out that Nie Lingqi was serious, actually so talented.

Although the export is not a chapter, but if you say it, it really makes people listen very warm, and they are all words of the heart.

In the house, Xiao An and Zeng Rou also listened very seriously.

"Nie Lingqi actually said this, I really can't see it... I don't miss it." Xiaoan shook his head and sighed.

"This is why people can't be seen, the sea is really cool..." Zeng Rou said.

"Oh... that is not to be seen, the sea can not fight, Miss Zeng, I have less reading, you can not lie to me." Xiaoan looked at Zeng Rou with a scornful look.

"Hahaha, don't be too serious, teenager, online is so joking."

"You still laughed? Miss Zeng, you are so big, now someone is confessing to our family Su?" Xiao An hated the iron and did not become a steel.

"So? What should I do?"

"Don't you worry?"

"I am worried that people will not confess? Do I have to block the mouth of the girl? No need to... See how good people say, true confession, it seems that I like Su Yu for a long time, if I Su Yu, I am moved..."

"But are you now the official girlfriend of our general manager?" Xiao An reminded.

"But we are a cooperative relationship... We don't interfere with each other... If Su Yu really likes this girl, it is not bad, at least this girl looks good, not awkward..."

"Nani... Are you really going to let us out of Su?" Xiaoan looked incredible.

"Hey, don't talk... continue listening... see Su Yuxi said." Zeng Rou made a different action, and then continued to watch the truthful confession outside.

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