My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3300: Big Devil Lu Yan (9)

"Are you okay?" Su Yu asked.

"No... still alive, ha."

"Don't make trouble, be serious."

"It's okay, Su Ye... I'm really fine." Zeng Rou's explanation.

"In the past few days, because of the small things, you have been caught in the cusp of the wind, and I really feel a little unwilling."

"Nothing, you can give me five million compensation."

Su Yu:...

"Haha, I am teasing you, you won't take it seriously?"

"No, I actually want to say that sometimes some fans are still crazy, so I think..."

"What do you want? 24 hours to protect me?" Zeng Rou deliberately seduce Su Yu.

"I want Xiao An to send you back to the provincial capital to avoid the limelight. If you want to come back, wait a while to calm down and say some more."

"Is it still necessary to drive me away?"

"I don't mean that, don't say anything." Su Yu worried.

Nie Lingqi failed to express his confession and went to the United States to study abroad. He also received strong support from Su Yu. These were all expected.

However, at this time, Zeng Rou became a scapegoat and considered to be the murderer who undermined the feelings of Su Yu and Nie Lingqi.

In fact, the true insiders know that over the years, the only murderer who can influence Su Yu, there is only one person, that is, Huo Mian.

Even if she is now a family and even a second child, she is still the most cherished moon in Su Yu’s heart.

Although Zeng Rou is somewhat naughty, some female hooligans, but ... she is always a self-aware person.

"Su Yu, have I bothered you?"

"Why do you want to say this?" Su Yu whispered back.

"Because it is my arrival, it makes you inexplicably fall into love, the situation of the scum man... I think, I may not be the time."

"Nothing is not the time. There are some things in your life that you can’t take care of. It’s not life when you step by step."

"Rely, good esoteric look..." Zeng Luo laughed.

"So, what is your decision? Do you want to go home to avoid it?"

"Going home to hide, it's not my style, I am not a turtle." Zeng said.

"But now the situation is really bad for you. Even if Xiaoan protects you, I am afraid there will be omissions. I am really afraid of what crazy fans will do to you."

"Do you really worry about me?"

"of course."

"Well, I am so conscience, then I... I will go abroad for a few days with the tour group. If I go home, I will be too lazy to look at my old lady’s ice face. For me, that’s for them. The defective products in your hand... Ha, if it’s not because they are two older, it’s estimated that this will kill me directly in the cradle and have a second child...”

"Don't say, who said this to parents?"

"Okay, okay, then I am not joking with you. I have a high school classmate who has invited me many times in Singapore. It’s just that I have been very leisurely recently. I went to see her and play for a few days."

"Okay, then I will book you a ticket and find someone to send you."

"Don't stop, I want to be free to use it, or come by myself, you really don't have to worry about this for me." Zeng Ruo is actually very independent.

Unexpectedly, everything made Su Yu personally.

Listening to Zeng Roo said that Su Yu did not want to be stubborn.

Transferring directly from WeChat, Zeng Ruo saw a lot of zeros above.

Some are dumbfounded - a full 100,000 yuan.

It seems that the legendary Su Yu is a **** lord, it is really not just a legend.

"Su Yu, you tell me the truth, is there a banknote printing factory in your family?" Zeng Ru could not help but laugh.

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