My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3301: Big Devil Lu Yan (10)

"However, there is no." Su Yu also answered a serious question.

"I wipe... Then you are not getting money, I am going to perform this stranger who is not very familiar with you, and you will send 100,000 when you shoot...."

"You are not a stranger to me, but my friend." Su Yu still answered a serious question.

Upon hearing this sentence, Zeng Rou was slightly touched.

It seems that since these days, Su Yu has become a friend, and it is really not an irrelevant person.

"Su Yu, too much money, I don't want it, then... can you send me a 9999 red envelope? Is it a lucky one?"

"Do not want 100,000, nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine? Zeng Ro, your brain is short-circuited?" Su Yu said.

"Ha ha ha, right? Yes, I suspect that I am getting into the water when I wash my hair in the morning. I will send it quickly..."

After that, Zengrou directly refused to transfer the transfer and returned the 100,000 of Su Yufa.

Su Yu helpless, only to send a transfer, 9999.

"You want a red envelope, don't transfer money." Zeng soft hit a face.

"Nima, WeChat red envelope can only send 200 at a time, when can I get together 9999, do you play me?"

"Playing is not your purpose, the purpose is to play with you... haha."

Su Yu:...

"Well, don't tease you, I received the red envelope, thank you Su Shenhao, then I went to see the ticket."

"Well, I have booked it and told me that I will arrange for Xiao An to send you to the airport."

"Xiao An looked slim, but I still have no strength, can I really protect me?"

"You don't know this, Xiao An is very powerful... One dozen, not a fake, busy, I will go to the meeting."

"it is good."

Hanging up the phone, Zeng soft holding the phone, watching the 9999 sent by Su Yu, my heart is warm.

One day, I hope that this man can send himself a 520, or 1314, that moment... shouldn't it be far away?

Zeng Rou then went straight upstairs to pack up the luggage, then called a friend in Singapore to start booking the ticket.

the other side

Moscow airport

"Joe Shao, I... still don't follow you... I'm afraid to bring you trouble." Amy bit her lip like a smug little daughter-in-law.

"Forget it, you are like this now, there is no shelter from the land, you will die undoubtedly... In recent years, how many enemies have you made, the ghost knows." Joe said faintly.

Three hours after they left, Luyan issued a notice on the dark net, announcing that Amy had completely separated from his mercenary group and was permanently removed.

This means that this person is no longer the person of my land smoke, you have to kill it.

This has even aroused Joe's desire to protect Amy's heart, and these are exactly what Amy wants most.

The moment I boarded the plane to Moscow, Amy decided that she had won the land smoke, at least the man left her.

"Joe Shao, I really don't want to drag you down. Now I have sent you back home safely. Go back, I will leave immediately. I have saved a lot of money in these years. I must survive wherever I go." ...."


Joe did not say much, go directly in the direction of the exit, Amy smiled and secretly followed.

"Joe Shao, are you really... no longer want to be bosses? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be like this... I really regretted it..."

After listening to Joe, he stopped and looked at Amy slowly. "Sometimes, you think that for the rest of your life, at the end, you find that you can change everything in a flash. Sometimes you find it difficult to continue. The result is that I have lived for a lifetime, emotional things, this is really not what you can plan, today is willing to pay for everything and even life, tomorrow may think of a stranger, and life, itself is such a cruel one Love is the most important thing."

After Amy finished listening, although she could not fully understand the meaning of this passage, she saw that Joe Shao was very sad. He felt that he did not understand him and did not trust him.

"Joe Shao, I will follow you with your heart and soul, and be your female bodyguard, even if you are going to the fire."

Joe Shao is just a mysterious smile, not much to say.

On the other hand, Brazil went to a luxury plane in the country.

"The front is the C city, so ... who went to the inner cabin to wake up to sleep as a pig boss?" Lu Yan several hands underneath, but did not dare to act rashly.

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