My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3302: Dr. Huo’s best sister (1)

"Or else, how many stone scissors do we have? Who lost who, how?" Someone suggested.

"Rely, it is a stone scissors cloth, can you play with new tricks..." Someone protested.


"The landlord..."

The man finished the sentence and the group was despised.

In the end, a few people still use a stone scissors cloth to make a LOW way to decide a victory, and the unlucky guy, hard to scalp to the door of the inner compartment.

"Boss..." He screamed softly.

There is no reaction inside...

"Boss... It’s coming, you should get up."

There is still no reaction inside...

This kid’s heart was straight and raised the sound of several decibels directly. Dan Tian gathered and shouted. "Smoke boss... you should get up..."

When the words were not finished, the inner door slammed open.

A black hole pistol instantly caught the boy's head.

"Ghosts are called Nimei. I don't know when I am sleeping, is someone disturbing and killing innocent people?"

"Boss... It’s coming soon, the plane has started to fall, you are still ready, and the beautiful party with Missy." This kid is also very smart, moving directly out of Hum sleep.

Lu Yan heard that he was in a good mood and took back the pistol.

"Well, I am in a good mood today, I don't care about you."

Lu smoke turned around and looked at the flight record. It has indeed arrived in C City.

She leaned back on the bed, opened the watch, and dialed a familiar number.

After ten seconds, it is connected.

"Smoke, what?"

"Daddy, guess where I am now?"

"America?" Professor Lu thought that his daughter went to see him.

"No, I am too lazy to go to the United States... I am afraid to alarm your FBI people. After all, I am a person on the red alarm list." Lu Yanxiao.

"I feel so good, is it going to find your sister?"

"Sure enough, my relatives, actually guessed." Lu Yan laughed.

"I haven't told you many times, you can't..." Professor Lu's words haven't finished yet.

I was interrupted by the land smoke. "Daddy, take away your set. It’s not that era. It’s the world of our young people. Our newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. If I’m afraid of death, I won’t mix it again. And... Last time, after my sister’s disappearance was taken away by Huo Siqian, Ian and Nalo’s people also frequently contacted the brother-in-law’s people, and they confronted each other. I think Ian’s big perversion is just not stupid, so I must know my sister. The identity, so... Since this is the case, why should I hide and hide, even my own sister can not recognize, I think, I am coming, my sister's safety is more guaranteed, after all, this is domestic, they dare not too In chaos, peace of mind."

"Well, every time I say you, you have countless reasons to refute me." Professor Lu also took his daughter.

"That is, who told me to be the daughter of two geniuses, that I am quick to respond." Lu smoke proud.

"Okay, don't be proud, go to the place, see your sister's words... Tell me about her current situation."

"You remember her, why don't you call and ask yourself?" Lu Yan said.

Professor Lu:...

"Oh, I know... you must be afraid to talk to your sister?"

"Well, I am busy here, just like this." Without answering her daughter's question, the professor directly closed the video call.

Lu Yan also closed the watch image and smiled slightly.

Huo Mian was bored at home, and after Qin Chu allowed, he had already returned to work in the Southern District, but the workload was reduced a lot and it was a lot easier.

"Director, someone has a big name to hang your number, do we pick it up?" Chen Jiejin whispered in the office.

Huo Mian raised his head slightly.

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