My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3313: One million, accompany me for a drink (2)

"You..." The old lady was so scared that she finished her face.

She was also unreasonable for a lifetime, and the first time she encountered such a blind man, it was terrible.

In the past, those rich people, as long as she was threatened, she was soft and let her.

I didn’t expect this little girl in front of me to move to kill...

"Grandma..." The little boy looked at Luyan’s fierce gaze and seemed to be a little scared.

I dare not mention the matter of peeing again.

"Come on, lie down... I am ready to pay for your life." Lu Yan hands both around the chest.

"Nervous disease... Amoy, let's go." The old lady finally, scared some legs soft, directly picked up the child from the lid, and then caught under the armpit and rushed out of the crowd.

Don't mention that your steps are brisk...

After the old lady left, the applause sounded unconsciously around her.

Land smoke is somewhat aggressive... What is the situation?

"Girl, you have just learned the lesson. This old lady is particularly bad. I always come here to touch the porcelain. This time I can be honest."

"Yeah, beauty, you are amazing, do it well."

"Amount..." The style of painting changed too fast, and Luyan did not know what to say.

"Look, the evil is not upright, or the three passers-by are more people, such an old man is still a minority." Huo Mian chuckled.

Lu Yan turned back and glanced at Qin Chu, and immediately smiled and said hello.

"Hello, Qin."

"Hello, Miss Two." Qin Chu also began to tease.

"Cough... Don't, call me a small cigarette, ha." Lu Yan modest.

The title of Miss Two is the honorary name of her in the mercenary world, so Luyan is really not used to using it in front of her family.

"Let's go, eat, it's all right." Qin Chu said.

"Well, just hungry, go."

Subsequently, Lu Yan took the twins and several people went inside.

"Small, you are just arrogant... I worship you." Douding pulled the hand of the land.

"Yes? This is awesome, but it's just a mouthful. I haven't moved yet. I'm so afraid that she can't help but get rid of her old bones." Lu Yanle.

"Small, just the old lady just lying on the ground, do you really dare to hit?" Douding asked curiously.

"What do you say?"

Lu Yan licked the little face of the peas, and then did not respond directly, smiled and walked in.

Qin Chu has already ordered three bowls of beef noodles.

Also let the boss give the twins a small bowl.

"Hey, I think... I don't have to eat a small bowl in the future. I have a long body and need nutrition." Douding said.

"Well, then you eat this bowl of big bowls." Qin Chu pet daughter, so directly push his own ramen.

"Forget it, I don't want your face, I just want the beef in your bowl." Douding smirked.

"Doudou, your grandfather said that you are puffy, can't eat so much meat..." Huo Mian quickly looked at her.

"Mummy... Grandpa is not here, why are you doing so seriously?"

"I don't want to supervise you when you are a grandfather. This is for your health." Huo Mian shook his head and did not let Qin Chu give the beef to the bean.

"Mummy... Have you heard a word circulating on the Internet?"

"What?" Huo Mian looked at the bean diced.

"Don't worry too much, what do you want to eat now and eat it quickly? After the doctor tells you what to say and what to eat, you are finished."

Huo Mian:......

"Hahaha, where did you hear it?" Lu Yan laughed.

"And oh, Grandpa Mao smoked and drank alcohol, but lived to be over 80 years old. Grandpa Deng also smoked and drank alcohol. He lived in his 90s. Mr. Zhang Xueliang, smoking and drinking, and raising his wife, but he lived to be over 100 years old. Lei Feng Uncle, do not smoke or drink, do a lot of good things, but died at the age of 28." Douding said a serious.

Several other people have to laugh...

"You said that you want to eat meat, where are so many farts?" Pudding swept his sister lightly.

"Well? It's weird, you see, the uncle over there always stares at us to see if it's a bad person?" Douding just wanted to refute his sister's words, and he followed the line of sight to find a few men who were eating carpets next door. Looking around, the look is suspicious.

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