My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3314: One million, accompany me for a drink (3)

After the Bean Ding finished, Lu Yan coughed a little and then got up.

"Cough, you eat first, I used to look at it."

Qin Chu has always been very calm, because if it is really dangerous, he will not know.

Therefore, he knew in his heart that the person under the land smoker had been following her secretly.

"Hey, is that a friend of Xiaoyan?" Douding was curious.


"It’s ugly..."

Qin Chu: ...

Huo Mian:......

"Little friend, looks like you?" Pudding looked at his sister.

"There are some people, ah, such a beautiful and powerful woman, should not be friends with the ugly." Douding said.

"Oh, Xiao Yan is not here now, you are less flattering, you will be embarrassed." Pudding Yun said lightly.

Doudou twisted his body and said no more.

Luyan went straight to the meteor and looked at a few men.

"Nima, didn't you say that you let the money go out? Did you follow me?" Lu Yan lowered his voice.

Several of the men saw the boss coming, and quickly stood up.

"Boss, we have no intentions to play, we are worried about your safety."

"I rub, I am a pustule? I want you to worry... Don't say a few of you, that is, plus a dozen of you, are not Laozi opponents, okay?"

Lu Yan’s unparalleled appearance can only blame these people for being too hearty, giving them money, letting them not play, and having to follow themselves.

"We must have beaten the boss, but if anyone wants to be unfavorable to the boss, we will not let go, just like the wife just now, she is so attitude to you..." One of the men is loyal Said.

"Where, what about the old lady?" When I heard this guy talking, Lu smoke was cold sweat.

"It didn't matter either. On the way she went back, she sprinkled olive oil and lost a few pieces of watermelon rind..."

"So...?" Lu Yanyin's eyes widened. She didn't want to change the pattern of the city. She just wanted to stay quiet for a few days, so even if the old lady was really too much, Luyan didn't really want to do it, but she The men will not understand the true thoughts of the boss. If this is really killing people, the smoke is calm, but if the sister knows... I am afraid that my heart will be uncomfortable. After all, my sister is a doctor, and my hands are To save people, kill yourself when you come here...

"So the old lady is lame, it is estimated that it will not be able to get out of bed for three months... such an old lady, it is good to have less to go out," said the man.

"Where, I am not satisfied with the water and soil, I will serve you a few... This kind of thing is done." Lu Yan extended his finger and clicked on the head of his hand.

Several people were immediately frightened...

"If the boss blames me, it is my idea, it is not their business." The person who took the lead was a little scared.

"Forget it, your kid is quite smart. People don't kill it. As for the lame thing, it's pretty pretty." Lu smoke proudly smiled.

A few of the men suddenly looked at each other and thought, the emotional change of the boss is really fast.

"I just have dinner with my sister, don't follow me, more disappointing... Where to go, where to go, watches are for Laozi, I need you, I will naturally call."

"But, the boss, Ian's people... seems to have begun to move." The leader of the head slightly frowned, always feel that his boss is too light enemy.

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