My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3322: One million, accompany me for a drink (11)

"Su Yu?" Huo Mian a glimpse, did not dare to think about him.

"Uh huh."

"But there is Xiaofei in Xiaoyan, and Su Yu now has Zengrou... You are so good, is it really good?" Huo Mian thought that Qin Chu wanted to match Luyan and Su Yu.

"No, you understand my intentions wrong. I mean, Lu Yan is a temper. Most people can't accompany her. Xiao Yang is definitely not good. Of these people, only Su Yu is not afraid of the temper, maybe Can have a fight with Luyan."

"Amount... Then they won't fight?" Huo Mian asked.

"Su Yu has played people?" Qin Daren asked.

"Hah, okay, maybe they are still good friends, then I will call Su Yu immediately, ha."

"Others, this is twelve o'clock, you call to confirm that Su Yu will not swear you a meal?" Qin Chu laughed.

"Oh, yes, I have forgotten that I will tell him about it tomorrow morning, let him go around with a little smoke, lest she be bored."

"I think that my wife has to worry about it. The character of Luyan is sent to space and will not be stuffy."

"Haha, you are black and smoke." Huo Mian raised the powder punch and beat her husband's chest.

"Wife, you have a sister now, don't you have a husband?"

"Don't talk nonsense... go to sleep," said Huo Mian.

"Follow, madam."

Huo Mian laughed and quit the room, watching Qin Chu have changed into pajamas.

The taste of lavender is helpful for sleep, but it seems that the intractable insomnia of Qin Chu is not effective.

Therefore, in the scent of lavender, Huo Mian secretly added some Chinese medicines that he prepared.

However, because the taste of the drug was relatively light, it was covered by the taste of lavender, so Qin Chu did not notice it.

Although it is not good to use Qin Chu as a white mouse, there is no way for Huo Mian.

She distressed the man who made her love the bones.

If a person does not sleep all night and night, that kind of torture is simply a life.

Huo Jin does not want her husband to suffer such pain.

So after going back to the Southern District, she read a lot of information every day and kept doing experiments.

Traditional Chinese medicine has the least side effects and is non-toxic.

Although I don't know what the effect will be, at least she is willing to try it, even if it is an adventure.

After Qin Chu lay down, it began to be the same as everyday, and could not sleep.

He took his cell phone and looked at some financial news.

Half an hour later, maybe it was a drug effect, and he had a slight dilemma.

Then I fell asleep and fell asleep...

Although it was very shallow sleep, it was indeed asleep, which made Qin Chu ecstatic.

After an hour, it was one o'clock.

Huo Mian quietly came out of the room again and secretly opened the door.

When she found that Qin Chu was not sitting on the bed and smoking, but was lying still in bed, the heart was gratified.

Although I don't know if the effect will last, it is at least stronger than before.

At three o'clock in the morning

Qin Chu suddenly woke up from his sleep, and then... a cold sweat.

He made a strange dream, dreaming of a woman telling him to come back with him.

The woman with a black veil, but the tattoo on her arm, he knows, is bloody.

The person who gave him the lighter had the same tattoo on his hand.

Qin Chu no longer drowsiness, ordered a cigarette.

Today is stronger than before, at least you can sleep.

He sat on the sofa by the window, smoking a cigarette, and playing with a strange lighter in his hand.

I remember, at the beginning, but with this little thing, scared away... Ian’s big perversion.

So... about this lighter, and those with special identities... Are they still social? Qin Chu suddenly felt very upset.

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