My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3323: One million, accompany me for a drink (12)

Early morning

Huo Mian sent a WeChat to Su Yu -

"Su Ye, my sister is coming back from abroad. I have to go to work tomorrow. If you have time, take her around. Ha, you both have fun and I am reimbursed."

"Doctor Huo, are you taking the rhythm of being a tour guide?" Su Yu joked.

"Hah, Su, can you?"

"Yes, you are all talking, you must be able to."

"However, if Mao does not let your husband accompany him, isn't he also very leisurely?"

"How many brother-in-laws have you seen alone with the little sister-in-law?" Huo Mian replied.

"Haha, I understand, and avoid it, your sister can't see it. When you don't fall in love with me, it's hard to do it... After all, I am so handsome." Su Yu opened the narcissism mode.

"Reassured, people have flowers and masters."

"There is no Lord who can't fall in love with me. Even if I am married, I will be attracted by my light..."

"Su Ye, did you wake up? Did you say that your dreams are fun?"

"Cut, it's not humorous, OK, let me give it to you, and make sure that it is clear to you." Su Yu made a guarantee.

"Hah, thank you."

After Su Yu promised, Huo Mian was also very happy, Qin Chu said is right.

Because Su Yu's entertainment company does not go to the company to stare every day, so there is still time to play with Lu Yan.

Qin Chu went to work earlier, and left after eating.

After the hibernation, I took the hand of the land smoke. "Smoke, I am afraid that you are bored at home today. I have found a friend with you to take you."

"No need?" Lu Yan looked disgusted.

"Why don't you need it, you are not familiar with the place here."

"I have satellite positioning, even the toilet, I can be accurate."

"Khan... It’s boring to play like this. Are you not talking about being an ordinary person?"

"Amount... Ok, okay, so, which friend did you find for me? Zhixin? Gao Ran? Wei Liao? Tang Chuan? Ni Yang?" Lu Yan skillfully said a string of names.

"Yes, I know your friend's name."

"Sister, this is too simple for me, don't say your friends, I know all the names of your colleagues in the Southern District."

"Okay, okay, Queen Lu Yan, you are the best." Huo Mian touched her head.

"So, who is with me today?"

"Su Yu."

"The trough..."

"How? Not satisfied?"

"Why is that two goods?" Lu Yan seems to be very dissatisfied.

"Please, Su is not the same, okay?"

"Don't tease me, I know all of his information, including the transcripts of the exams in kindergarten, I know..."

Lu Yan’s database is equivalent to an encyclopedia.

"So, don't you like Su Yu?" asked Huo Mian.

"I don't like it, I just think this person is a bit strange..."

"Exactly you are also wonderful, maybe you can play together."

"Sister... you are black..."

"Hah, good to play, Su Yu is the favorite male **** of your niece, they will be happy if they know."

“Do I have other choices?” Lu Yan asked unwillingly.

"Yes, he also has a bodyguard called Xiao An, you can make a choice among them." Huo Mian said.

"Forget it, when I didn't say it." Lu smoke rolled his eyes.

She knows that her sister is also kind, afraid that she is bored, but she still intends to go out and have a good time.

Now there is one more Su Yu, is that okay?

The voice just fell, Xiao An appeared at the door.

"Doctor Huo, I will pick you up from your sister." Xiao An said.

"Come and come, Xiaoyan, get on the bus... Have fun." Huo Mian took the hand of Luyan and dragged it.

Lu Yan has a look of tears and tears.

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