My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3326: One million, accompany me for a drink (fifteen)

"Well, would you? If you want to catch something bad, I can catch it for you." Xiaoan slammed the smoke.

In fact, my heart really regarded her as a little girl. I felt that it was Dr. Huo’s sister. If you came back from abroad, you should take good care of it.

Lu Yan stared at Xiao An for three seconds, then said directly, "Oh, you can grab it yourself, I will go to the slot machine."

After that, Lu Yan took a few game coins from Xiao’an’s hand and turned and left... Xiao’an’s face was awkward.

Originally, I was trying to win the dolls in order to win the hearts of other girls. What kind of strength did I play?

Therefore, Xiao An lowered his head and held a pile of game coins, silently following Lu Yan.

It is the largest video game city in the city. The scale and investment are still very large. There are many people and many waiters.

There are dozens of slot machines, and many seemingly underage children sit there and watch their eyes obsessed.

Lu smoke swept the slot machine's mark and found no prize amount.

Just shouted a waiter over.

"Handsome guy, where are you, which slot machine, the highest reward?" Lu Yan asked.

"The highest, it should be the innermost one." The waiter pointed to the other side.

"How much is the bonus?"

"At the highest point, the boss said that it is 100,000, but it has been open for more than two years now. No one has ever blasted it. At most, it has only 30,000."

"100,000? Very, very LOW." Lu smoked the channel. However, the voice was not loud, so the waiter did not pay attention.

“What else needs help?”

"No, thank you, handsome guy." After that, Lu Yan went to the slot machine where no one was playing.

"Beauty, wait a minute." Perhaps Lu Yan looked too good, and the waiter called her again.

"Well?" Lu Yan turned back.

"This machine has the highest bonus, but the chance of losing is very large. Now many slot machines on the market are controlled by humans. They will return to the point according to the amount of money swallowed, which means that there are many losses. Win the opportunity, so everyone does not like to play, if you want to play, I suggest you play the fruit there, although the bonus is not much, but the chance of winning is high."

"Thank you for reminding me that I just play around and I won't lose too much."

Lu Yan laughed, and then continued to sit on the slot machine where no one was playing.

When Xiao An saw Lu Yan to play the slot machine, he suddenly felt that he had just changed one million and was not enough.

All know that this kind of thing is to burn money. If it is addictive, it is estimated that no one or three or five thousand can not go out of this house.

Therefore, Xiaoan turned around and paid with WeChat, and bought three thousand pieces of game coins, ready to let Luyan play well. After all, Su said that he had taken care of it.

"Sister, this machine has problems, always swallowing coins, don't give it. I suspect that the boss is doing the tricks. Everyone who comes here knows that you can change one."

When Lu Yangang sat down, a teenager who looked like a 14-year-old boy playing a slot machine would kindly remind him.

"Nothing, my sister likes to play an upset." Lu Yan laughed.

"Okay...." The young boy’s kindness turned into a liver and lungs and turned his head away from seeing the smoke.

Xiao An took a basket of game coins, and when he came back, he passed the drinks area. He bought two flavors of juice for Luyan.

When he finished the change, he took the juice and went back.

I heard that suddenly there was a blast of the pot...

"The trough, the machine exploded." I don't know who shouted, and then everyone ran over the land.

Then the entire hall heard the sound of the jackpot in the slot machine, Xiao An suddenly felt that this ... may be the strange sister of Huo Mian.

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