My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3327: One million, accompany me for a drink (16)

Sure enough, Xiao An ran a few steps and opened the crowd, and she saw that it was the machine of Luyan.

The slot machine is now out of control, crazy to spit, the feeling, look at it feels cool.

Even if it is not in one's own, it is fun.

Many people around have been watching, everyone is envious and hateful.

"Wow, this sister is amazing."

"Yeah, is this machine not a dumb year? It has been opened for more than two years. Have you seen such a big prize?"

"This is 100,000... I heard that the last time there was no more than half of this."

"Is the machine malfunctioning, will the boss not admit it?"

Everyone talked about it, and Lu Yan was sitting there very calmly.

I was thinking in my heart that if the boss dared to give money because of the broken machine, there would be a disaster.

"Amount... really is you..." Xiaoan came over, a little dumbfounded.

There are more than 3,000 game coins in the basket in his hand.

"Otherwise, who do you think is?" Lu Yan laughed.

At this time, the waiters all came around and cleaned up the scene.

"Everyone gives us a hand, we have to count the coins."

Huo Mian looked at the male waiter who reminded himself and said to him, "Give you 10,000."

"Ah?" The waiter was a little dumbfounded. ”

Then Lu smoke looked at the little boy who was sitting next to remind himself.

"I will also send you ten thousand."

After listening to the little boy, he was stunned and almost dropped the cola bottle in his hand on the ground.

"There are 80,000 left, change it to cash, I like the visual stimulation of cash."

"Okay, miss, please go there and wait, we will redeem it for you right away."

Later, Lu Yan and Xiao An got up and waited in the rest area.

"You are very lucky." Although Xiao An could not understand, the girl actually gave the stranger a 20,000-dollar practice for no reason.

But still sincerely admire her luck.

In fact, people who know Luyan know that this girl is doing two things, happy.

As long as she is in a good mood, everything is fine.

If she is in a bad mood, then everyone will be unlucky.

Lu Yan’s men absolutely understand the meaning of the words such as the accompanying tiger.

"Luck? Oh, I never believed in luck, it was all deceptive." Lu Yan laughed.

"Then you are not winning luck so much today, Dr. Huo will be happy, I will send him a WeChat soon." Xiao An said.

Lu Yan laughed and said nothing, she would not say too much to this stranger.

Once in the casino in Las Vegas, I won a 40 million game and used a slot machine.

It was also shocked by many people at the time, and the casino even suspected that she was cheating.

I found a lot of authoritative people to check the machine and even check if there is anything in the body.

The result is nothing...

However, the land smoke does not rely on luck, the slot machines are all algorithmic.

Ordinary people can learn not to learn for ten years, and they simply burn their brains.

However, the land smoke will be a simple matter in China, and it will be solved in a matter of seconds.

Therefore, Xiao An also deliberately changed more than 3,000 game coins, which is really more than one thing.

Luyan’s work is still very efficient.

After half an hour, walk out of the video game city.

Xiao An holds a canvas pocket in his hand, and the Luyan winning prize wins the remaining 80,000 pieces.

When they first arrived at the underground parking lot, they were blocked by a group of people.

"Let the money go down, we don't hurt you both."

The leading teenager held a baseball bat in his hand, followed by seven or eighty-seven-eight-year-old boys, with weapons in their hands, some knives, and some axe.

Looking at the battle is not small, Lu Yan understands that these children may be those in the game hall just now, see the money open, all the way to this place.

"Kid, hurry, this sister is in a good mood, do not want to kill." Lu Yan said very calmly.

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