My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3328: One million, accompany me for a drink (17)

"Oh, woman, bragging to force the law is not right, do not want to kill, say it is killing you..." The young boy with a smile.

Land smoke: ...

It seems that this group of children really don't know how tall and thick they are, so they dare to talk to Luyan.

If Lu Yan has not killed anyone, in fact, he should change the question and ask if the smoker did not kill anyone?

From the very old age, he was chased, counterattacked, and made bombs...

Until the age of twenty, in the past few years, the people who have killed, Lu Yan himself can not remember.

"You, the children, don't look big. Do you know that robbery is illegal?" Xiao Anyi’s words are learned.

Perhaps because of the same as Su Yu, they are all special forces, so when they are angry, they are also upright.

"Know, but we are all under 18 years old and will not take us."

"Do you know that there is a place called a small management office?" Xiaoan continued to reason with them.

"Of course, I know that the director of the small management office is my uncle, so... if he is less nonsense, hurry up and leave the bonus." The young boy who took the lead uttered madness and was impatient.

"This group of little nephews seems to be not the first time to commit crimes. We said that teaching is useless. I think they should help their aunts to teach them lessons." Lu Yan said.

"You take the money, go to the side, hand it over to me."

After saying that Xiao An handed the bag with cash to Lu Yan, and then prepared to go out and fight.

Lu Yan is not in a hurry. According to Xiao An, he took the bag and walked back.

"Don't let the woman run, the money is in her." The young boy who shouted shouted.

Suddenly a group of people swarmed.

Xiao An is also a quick eye, and he will start the mode quickly.

Holding one is a punch, then kicking and playing.

However, there are a large number of children in this group, so it is inevitable that there will be fish missing.

A kid who was kicked by Xiao An and flew out, climbed up and immediately rushed to the land.

Because he thinks that women are all vulnerable groups.

It must be grabbed at once.

"You run fast, don't stand in that stupid." Xiao An was in a hurry, shouting loudly at the land smoke.

Who knows, Lu Yan has a hand in his purse, not only did not run.

Instead, he came in the direction of the teenager.

The boy reached out and grabbed the money bag on the land.

But when he didn't touch it, he was kicked on the kneecap by Luyan.

"Ah..." The boy suddenly fell to the ground, his hands licking his knees and his voice was fierce.

Yes, Lu Yan’s shots have always been fast and embarrassing, and there is no waste of time.

With one foot down, the strength has already been used for 50%, and the knee bone of the kid was suddenly shattered.

Of course, it hurts and hurts...

Seeing that the accomplices fell to the ground, the other few were even more angry, and they rushed with a machete and an axe.

It’s a pity that Xiao’an’s technique was faster, and he was solved when they didn’t wait for the land to smoke.

Xiao An followed the head of the boy who led the head. "The kid, the young age is not good, how is your aunt educated?"

"My aunts are all officials. My family is the leader of the prison. You dare to offend the young master, and you won't have high fruits. I remember you." The teenager not only has no remorse, but also revenge. They all said it, it is really hateful.

"Oh, I don't know how to repent. If I say this, the current atmosphere is really..."

Xiao’an’s words were not finished, and Luyan came over, in the absence of Xiao’an’s reaction.

Grabbing the hand of the leading teenager, slamming straight back and slamming.

"Ah..." It was another scream, and the tears of the youngsters came out.

"Let's take revenge... okay... welcome... but before that, I will send you a face-to-face ceremony, you have to accept it."

After that, she dragged the boy out of Xiao An’s hand and grabbed his head. In front of everyone, he slammed into the wall.

With a bang, this young boy suddenly fell to the ground... On the spot, he was in a coma.

Xiao'an's face changed slightly, and everyone else was scared.

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