My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3342: Xiaomian, you killed me (six)


"Less nonsense, let's talk."

Lu Yan licked his ears and could not understand his support.

"Hey, don't don't, boss. The ears are going to fall..."

"Then you are not going to tell me?"

"Let's see for yourself."

The hand handed over the communication watch and opened the sentence that Joe Fei had sent.

Luyan released his ears and glanced at it, then... a black line.

Qiao Fei said - Lu Yan is so good, you give me waiting.

This sentence really makes Lu Yan laugh and cry.

It’s like when someone goes to school, some people threaten you, old tell you, after school, you give me the same.

It’s just naive to get home, but I can see that Joe is jealous and properly.

If it weren’t for the plan that they had booked before, it’s estimated that 80% of Joe’s has come to sue.

"Haha..." Lu Yan couldn't help but smile.

"Boss, Joe Shao... Is this what threatens you?"

"Well, what I want is this effect."

A few of the men listened to it, and it was very aggressive in the fog. About the invisible plan, only Joe Fei and Lu Yan knew it.

All of us thought that after the two broke up, they turned against each other.

Still unconsciously worried about my own boss...

"Let's go back, less contact with me, I want to be an ordinary person."

"Boss, but what you have seen today is not ordinary at all."

A few of his men are not idiots. What the boss’s whereabouts are doing, it’s also well known.

The silly boy who swayed the boss was simply bloody.

I don’t want to drink my stomach bleeding, but I also have a 10 million match. It’s just a disaster.

"Less nonsense, get out of the way... You have to be on holiday for a few days, eat well, and the girl is soaking up the singer, the gambling is going to gamble, it’s really nothing to do, go to the scenic spot to take pictures and send friends circle is not quite Ok?"

Several men:...

"I'm leaving."

"Boss, let's send you, it's too unsafe."

After experiencing the taxi shock incident, several of his men did not worry about their boss playing taxis.

"It's okay, these shrimps and crabs will, I will see one kill one, see two kill one pair."

After that, Lu Yan waved his hand and stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

She doesn't believe that the people are so persevering, can they take the taxis in the whole city?

"The boss is very self-willed...just like a child who has not grown up."

"These years are like this... we have to get used to it."

"But I really worried about her. I was scared when I got a heart attack... With her for years, if she had an accident, where should we go?"

Several people sighed...

"I think if I have time, we should help the boss to kill Amy. I am a traitor in the years of the boss army. No, it should be said that the first defected out of the organization, but not the boss." Someone said.

"I think that the reason why Amy didn't die is not that the old man is ignoring the old feelings. Maybe it is because he gives Joe less face?"

"Who knows, anyway, the masters don't understand the things, just mix them with the boss."

After a few men looked at the taxi, they didn't dare to keep up, but returned to the hotel.

Lu Yan crazy played for a day, when she arrived home is already at 12:30 in the morning.

The people of Nanshan Castle have already rested.

She jumped in the window with a light hand, but saw her sister sitting on the bed reading a book with a lamp.

"There is no door to go, you climb the window, what is wrong with this?" Huo Mian looked at Lu Yan with a funny smile.

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