My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3343: Xiaomian, you killed me (seven)

"Sister, have you not slept yet?" Lu Yan lowered his voice and then walked to the bed with a light hand.

"You didn't come back, I couldn't sleep, I thought Xiao An was with you, but I didn't want to, you are smashing people... I am going crazy."

"Hah, are you worried about me?"

"No, I am worried about those who meet you." Huo Mian said with a slap in the face.

Before Huo Mian, I was quite stunned by Lu Yan. Later, I learned from Qin Daren’s mouth that Lu Yan did not seem to have suffered from losses over the years.

Especially in the face of the abnormality of Ian, I can play cats and mice for several years.

Therefore, what is worried now should be the people who have been teased by land smoke.

"Ha ha ha, sister, how are you black?"

"Su Yu is busy, didn't go, Xiao An has been with you for a day?"

"Well." Lu Yanqi nodded.

"When that night, after you took a small cigarette, where are you going?" Huo Mian asked.

"Sister, what are you doing, not an interrogator..."

"Come on."

"Go to the night to drink, Sheng Shi Mingzhu."

"What, have you been to that place?"

"Well, I also drank ten glasses of wine and earned ten million." Lu Yanmei said with gusto.

"You have drunk ten glasses of wine. Do you know that drinking more livers?" Perhaps because of the doctor's occupational disease, Huo Mian began to smash.

"Hah, it's okay, I have eaten the chewing gum I learned beforehand, and I have dissolved the alcohol."

"You, have this talent, don't have to go to the right thing, you know how to mess up these mess."

"There are two medical geniuses of you and the old man. You are not right. The old man is like me. He is engaged in chemistry, bomb genius, ha, you and your aunt are medical geniuses." Lu Yan said.

Huo Mian sighed slightly. "Come back so late, hungry, don't you eat late?"

"No, I am not hungry at all, sister, you are pregnant, you go to bed early, I go to take a shower, ha."

After that, Lu smoke got up and walked to the closet, changed his nightdress, and went into the bathroom.

There is one more thing about Huo Mian, that is, it smelled a lot of **** smell on Luyan.

She wants to ask her, is she killing?

But then I thought, Qin Chu said right, Xiaoyan was born and took this road.

Her murder may be just as good as saving herself.

So the sisters discussed such a heavy problem, maybe they couldn't talk about any results, but they made the two unhappy.

Huo Mian did not say anything, but, Xiaoyan is still so young?

I can't live a lifetime in this cruel and **** way.

Huo Mian is already thinking about how to change her lifestyle and let her be like all ordinary 20-something girls.

Marry and have children, find a normal career, and then live a lifetime.

After the shower, the sisters were lying in bed.

Lu Yan took his sister's hand from the bed and suddenly felt warm in his heart.

"Sister, I was thinking when I was a child. If I had a sister, it would be fine... At that time, the old man had not told me about you. I and the old man tried to be chased and killed. I have to change it in a week. I was particularly insecure at the time. I always wanted the feeling of home. I always missed my family... I can finally lie with you, hold your hand, and talk to you in my heart. Feelings - awesome."

"I am also... watching you by my side, my heart is very solid... Xiaoyan, do you have any ideals?"

"Ideal? If you look at it for the time being, it is estimated that Ian is a follower..."

"What about?" Huo Mian asked.

"After, I didn't think about it, telling the truth, sister, I am such a person, I don't know if I have a future... Maybe someday suddenly..."

If Lu Yan’s words have not been finished, he will be planned by Huo Mian.

She said: Xiaoyan, you will not do these things in the future, leave the circle, you are a chemistry teacher, okay? ”

Lu Yan heard a slight glimpse.

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