My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3344: Xiaomian, you killed me (eight)

"Amount... Chemistry teacher? Sister... You have an idea."

After Lu Yan heard this sentence from her sister, she was shocked.

I am really chemistry, and all kinds of chemical elements are familiar and can no longer be familiar.

What mixes with what will explode, what is mixed with what is poisonous. She is well aware of her.

However, the idea of ​​letting Lu Yan go to be a chemistry teacher can only show that my sleep is very creative.

"Is not correct?"

"Right, especially right, ha..." Lu Yan could not help.

"What are you laughing at, I am very serious."

"Okay, sister, I will seriously consider your opinion."

"Smoke I told you that many people actually work not to make money to support their families... You want to be, there are so many rich people in the world, people have a lot of money, what is the job for? It is nothing more than proof of their existence value."

"Yes, sister, you are right, for example, you and your brother-in-law... obviously have money to spend, but still... work all day long, busy, in fact, for their own things, people can not because of money If you have more, you will eat and die." Lu Yan added.

"Yes, that's the truth, but I don't want to be a doctor to pass the time. My doctor is really because of my childhood dreams." Huo Yin explained.

"But sister... you have to know that not everyone can be as lucky as you. You have the love of your brother-in-law, and there is his care. He has made your dreams as her dreams, but most people have spent their lives. Maybe not able to achieve their own ideals."

"Maybe... but the little smoke, the ones you said can't be realized are people who can't achieve it, but I think you are so strong... you should not be led by fate."

"Sister, do you believe it? These years... I have become accustomed to this industry, just like you are used to doctors... Maybe at the beginning I was trying to escape, in order not to be killed, I resisted backhand, but gradually It has become my habit, so you let me go to be a chemistry teacher at once, I think... I can't do it... It doesn't matter with money, but a calm life for me, two days a day. But if I go on for a long time, I will be crazy. Maybe in my blood, I am born with an unstable I am destined to be with you...two different people."

After Lu Yan’s words were finished, Huo Mian’s heart was very sad.

Lu Yan said that everyone has their own ideas and decisions.

Huo Mian thought that it was good for her sister, but Lu Yan did not necessarily think that this is good.

Perhaps for Lu Yan, to be a mercenary, to kill people to pick up the task, these things have penetrated into her heart.

This way of life has become a way she likes.

"When I talk about it, I guess the two will be quarreling..."

"How come? I can't see you once a year... I won't quarrel with you, at most, what you said, I don't listen." Lu Yan naughty spit out his tongue.

"Well, let's go to sleep."




"I heard that pudding is in stocks...and made a company of its own."

"Well, this child can't be controlled now." Huo Mian thought of his eldest daughter, but also can not tell whether it is happy or sad.

The happy thing is that the pudding is indeed much more mature than the children of the same age. It is much smarter and more stable.

Sadly, she always felt that what Pudding is doing now is not what she should do at this age. Does it know whether it is right or wrong?

"I have transferred the money I earned today to her company name." Lu Yan said it was very indifferent, as if she had bought her a piece of clothing.

"What? You gave her another 10 million?" Huo Mian frowned slightly.

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