My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3345: Xiaomian, you killed me (9)


"You are crazy... She is so small, why do you give her so much money?" Huo Mian felt that it would give 10 million yuan, and she was a bit unacceptable.

Luyan has more money and can't be so casual.

"I think that Pudding is very economical and likes to play capital. I will support you when I am a little."

"That's too much."

"Sister, I am very rich."

"I know that your money is changed back, don't allow it."

"Where is the spouse for your niece, you haven't seen me when I lost a few hundred million in a casino in Singapore..."

"Losing a few hundred million...." Well, Huo Mian feels that after talking to Luyan, heart disease will be committed.

Perhaps because of growing up in civilian families since childhood, Huo Mian could not get used to this astronomical number of transactions.

However, Qin Chu and Lu Yan Su Yu are different. They seem to have already regarded the money as a number.

"Sister... sleep, sleepy, ha."

In order to fear that her sister would continue to say herself, Lu Yan simply pretended to close her eyes.

Finally, watching Lu Yan close his eyes, Huo Meng shook his head helplessly, got up and pulled the quilts of the two up.

Help the land to cover the quilt.

Early morning

Because it is Saturday, you don't have to go to class.

The twins got up early in the morning to have breakfast, and both of them were in a good mood.

"Small, let's take us out today, okay?" Douding looked at Lu Yan with a smile.

"How do you want to wave?" Lu Yan could not help but laugh.

"You said how to wave, how to wave, don't control..."

"Ha ha ha..." Lu Yan was finally teased and laughed.

The pudding is still calmly eating breakfast.

"Pudding, how is the company recently?" Lu Yan pretended to pretend.

"Also, due to the impact of the US stock market crash, the domestic stock market is not very stable."

"Oh, this way... It seems that the gift that Xiaoxiao sent you, it’s quite a time to help you stabilize the market."

"Gift?" The pudding looked up and looked at Xiaoxiao with some confusion.

"Well, gift."

"What gift?" The pudding wondered.

"You will know it in a moment." Lu Yan looked at his watch. After the bank went to work, the money could be operated nervously. It is estimated that it will be after 8:30.

"Oh, what gift? Why didn't I?" Douding asked quickly.

"Hah, you have it too... Isn’t your sister’s money yours? Anyway, your family will have a don’t have to work, just sit and eat.”

"How can it be the same, my sister is a person who will turn his face at any time..." Douding obviously does not believe in pudding.

"Nothing, then you still have your mommy and you squatting."

"They will also betray me... as long as I eat dessert, I will attack me collectively."

"Then you have a grandfather and a small sister?" Lu Yan said.

"So, Xiao Yan, my gift?"

"'s a big kid, you remember your gift..." Lu Yan smiled and touched the head of the bean.

"Doudou, don't ask for gifts with Xiaoyan." Huo Mian quickly blamed.

"But Mommy, my sister has it, only I don't have it..."

"I sent your sister a stock, you don't understand?" Lu Yan fooled her.

"But I can get cash... I also have a private account... I am sending you the card number now."

After that, Douding sent a card number to Luyan’s WeChat.

In fact, Luyan rarely plays WeChat. If it is not for the sake of nothing to see the circle of friends of his sister and twins, they will not play this thing at all.

She always feels that social accounts are not very safe, and I am afraid of missing any traces.

"Good, little boy... I will give you cash."

Said, Luyan opened the watch and began to operate...

"Smoke, if you are a child, how can you take it seriously?" Huo Mian saw Lu Yan, which is really moving, and quickly stopped.

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