My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3356: Kill the panda, I am the national treasure (1)

"Oh, what are you going to book?"

"But... that's here at home..."

"What needs you to worry about at home?" Su Yu looked at Xiao An.

"Doctor Huo's sister..."

"Haha, when are you, do you still remember your sister?" Su Yu laughed after reacting.

"... No, I didn't mean that. I just thought, after all, I was with me before... Now I am gone, who is the girl?" Xiaoan blushes.

"Reassure, you pick up Zengrou, I will accompany Xiaomian sister, okay?"

Su Yu deliberately teased Xiao An, and the old faces of the people were red.

Although it was a sudden sudden out of a car accident, it is good to have nothing to do.

I heard that only the foot was injured, Su Yu sent Xiaoan to pass.

There are two reasons for this.

The first Singapore is quite far away. After all, it’s going abroad. One time and one time, it’s a lot of time. The company’s side is really still a mess.

Second, since Zeng Roo has nothing to do, don’t go, don’t make any misunderstandings, let Zeng Rou think that it’s not good for him.

Therefore, Su Yu felt that letting Xiao An go is the most suitable, but I did not expect that this kid is still reluctant.

It seems that I still remember the sister of Xiaomian... The Su Yu who is getting it is also crying and laughing.

On the weekends of the two days, Lu Yan and the twins were crazy, and they went out with waves of puddings and diced beans every day.

Huo Mian has always been worried about the things of Huo Siqian.

On the weekend night, Huo Mian and Qin Chu walked around the fountain square in the courtyard of Nanshan Castle.

"Wife... Do you have something to say to me?"

"Do you all see this?" Huo Mian laughed.

"I know too much about you. When you have dinner, you will see your heart is uneasy."

"Well, it's a bit of a thing."

"Say it."

Qin Chu took the hand of Huo Mian. Whenever they talked about business, they both took it out and analyzed it and discussed it.

It seems that it is rare because the opinions are not quarrelsome. The problem is that both of them are smart people, and many things are consistent.

"Husband... I went to see Huo Siqian that day."


"And then, after I came back, I always felt that it was a bit wrong to keep him. Of course, I didn't say that to pity him. I just think that he is weak now, and his desire to survive is very low. He also said that he was in a bad spirit, and I went to Gaoran to look at it."

"Go on then." Qin Chu calmly, holding the hand of Huo Mian has been moving forward.

"I think that he is going on like this. If he is dead, he will forget it. If he does not die, the second personality, that is, if Jack appears, the consequences will be terrible."

"Do you worry that he will escape?" Qin Chu looked at Huo Mian.

"That is not. After all, there is a personal deployment between you and Gao Ran. It is not enough to escape from prison. After all, life is not a movie, just, I think... if foreign forces, whether Ian or Nalo, once When they intervened, Huo Siqian, also known as Jack, was very likely to escape. He knew too much about us. It was too dangerous for us... It was difficult for the gang to deal with if he was running by him. If you deal with us, the other way around is not good... Although Huo Siqian is perverted, but there is still a conscience... After all, I have never had a poisonous hand, but Jack is different. He is another person. I want to put me to death, so I said..."

"I understand, my wife."

"Well, understand."

"Let me think about it."

"Well, you think about it, if you think that my approach is feasible, it is better to give him a direct benefit." Huo Mian said.

"it is good."

"You don't think that I have any compassion for Huo Siqian?" Seeing Qin Chu so calm, Huo Mian really worried that her husband would be cranky.

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